Tradewing % Increase?

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Tradewing % Increase?

Postby Frostillicus » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:05 pm

Hi, I've got enough for a T6 and have made my way to Wurango because of a post in the Meeting Point forum but there's no one about. So firstly I'm wondering, where is everyone? :)

Also, how does the trade bonus work? Would I get it if I used my viper to fly cover for traders or would I have to get a freighter ship, land, & buy/sell?

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Re: Tradewing % Increase?

Postby JohnLuke » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:26 pm

Frostillicus wrote:Hi, I've got enough for a T6 and have made my way to Wurango because of a post in the Meeting Point forum but there's no one about. So firstly I'm wondering, where is everyone? :)

Also, how does the trade bonus work? Would I get it if I used my viper to fly cover for traders or would I have to get a freighter ship, land, & buy/sell?

It looks like the thread mentioning Wurango is a bit dated. It was active in in the fall, so most guys have probably moved on to other trade routes or different 'careers' in the game.

As for the 5% trade bonuses, you need to be in a wing and running the same route. To get the bonus, I know that you need to be in the same system when your wingman, but I'm not sure if you both need to be in the same station at the same time or not. Hopefully someone else can chime in with more info.

Yes, you would get the bonus in your Viper if you're winged with a trade ship.

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Re: Tradewing % Increase?

Postby Loriath » Sun Apr 03, 2016 5:37 pm

Frostillicus wrote:Hi, I've got enough for a T6 and have made my way to Wurango because of a post in the Meeting Point forum but there's no one about. So firstly I'm wondering, where is everyone? :)

Also, how does the trade bonus work? Would I get it if I used my viper to fly cover for traders or would I have to get a freighter ship, land, & buy/sell?

The trade bonus works like this.

You and a buddy (up to 4 of you) get in a wing. One or more of you takes a cargo (must be bought on the commodities market not a hauling mission from the bulletin board) and you all fly off to the destination where you are going to sell it. You remain in the wing and all land at the station(you have to be at least in the same instance, so outside the station is fine). The Hauler sells his cargo and everyone in the wing gets a trade bonus of 5% of the profits (except the person that sells). So lets say your Buddy sells his stuff and makes 10,000 credit profit. You would get 5% or 500 credits for that sale. It then must be collected by going into the station menu and selecting Contacts. There you will see Trading Bonus. If 4 of you were hauling and you all made 10K profit, you would get 3X the 500 credits when your friends sell.

Now as you can imagine, this can be very helpful to a wing of 4 traders. Even 2 in a large ship can make a difference. I was trading earlier with a friend and we both had Anacondas. The trade Bonus for him was about 93,000 and mine was 84,000. i had a larger cargo capacity than he did, but almost 100K each sell was good. For 4 of us, we can make an extra 3-400K per trip, and when you are making 1.5-1.8 million a run, it can add up nicely.

If you have someone that has a Large Capacity ship, and can wing with them for protection, it can make you a quite nice pay for services rendered, not to mention any bounties that you take down with him, you share those as well as long as you are in the same place. So if he gets interdicted and you drop in and take the pirate out and share!

As far as that location, no idea. Never heard of it to be honest.

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Re: Tradewing % Increase?

Postby Frostillicus » Sun Apr 03, 2016 6:22 pm

Thanks for the replies and explaining how the bonus works :)

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Re: Tradewing % Increase?

Postby KLED » Sat Apr 23, 2016 7:55 am

If you're still looking for someone to trade with feel free to add me. I've got a T7 at the moment with 212T cargo. I want to upgrade to a Clipper but the Empire rep stuff is killing me and I need a break from refreshing bounty boards for hours at a time only to get half a dozen missions. By the time I qualify for one I'll have enough to outfit a decent Python.

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