Short Rare Route for new players needing cash.

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Scian Dearg
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Short Rare Route for new players needing cash.

Postby Scian Dearg » Sat Feb 14, 2015 3:23 pm

As soon as you feel comfortable with SC, Jumps, Navigation and you have a decent jump range distance (15LY or greater imo) etc, try going to one of the rare route starports, I have posted some on the forums here. the one I normally do however takes about an hour to an 1 hr 30. I will list it here and in main forums.

I start in Coquim (but you can reverse the route and start in Lave/Leesti/Orrere also)

Step 1: In Coquim (Hiryama Installation), you buy Coquim Spongiforms (20 max) (all rares are bright yellow colour on commodities market, u can only buy a maxnumber which I will write next to each port, once u have the max in hold you can get no more, you will have to wait approx. 10 mins for respawn of rares in most stations to ensure you get the full amount).

Step 2: Plot course to Orrere (145 LY approx. and u will need a fuel scoop to refuel on your way), In Orrere (Sharon Lee Free Market) sell the coquim spongiforms (300k approx. for 20) and buy Orrere vicious Brew (16 max).

Step 3: Jump to Diso (Shifnalport) 7LY, and buy Diso Corn (15max).

Step 4: Jump to Leesti (George lucas) 3 LY and buy Azure Milk (7 max) and Lesstian Evil Juice (14 max)

Step 5: Jump to Lave (Lave Station) 4 LY and buy Lavian Brandy (7 Max)

Step 6: Jump to Zaonce (Ridley Scott) 5 LY and buy Leather Egg (1 Max, you can only get 1 so don't hang around)

Step 7: Plot Course for Coquim ( Hirayama installation) and return there, sell all the rares you have and the entire trip should net you in the region of 1.1 mill to 1.3 million credits. Repeat as often as you like or until you get brain freeze lol.

There are longer routes and more profitable but what I like about this one is it is staright forward with only 2 bigger than 100 LY routes (Coquim to Orrere and return). Around the Orrere region you have 4 other rare systems all within 1 jump distance. If you start with this route you can expand it as you feel more confident. There are some anarchy systems (Orrere) so you will be interdicted once or twice and be careful when fuel scooping but it is a relatively easy route with good CR for 1 hr 30 mins work, may take a bit longer when you first do it until you become fast at fuelling etc etc.

I will post this on main forum also for any new players that want to make some early credits. Best ship to do it in I find is the asp (84 cargo), you will need a ship with beteen 60 and 90 cargo space and a reasonable jump range (15 or greater I would recommend). The cobra or adder could do this I think if upgraded.

Hope this helps.


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Re: Short Rare Route for new players needing cash.

Postby Trinity Star » Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:32 pm

I used these two clusters (selling at Lave/Witchhaul):

Leesti - George Lucas - Leesti Evil Juice (Max Allocation 14t) & Azure Milk (Max Allocation 7t)
Lave - Lave Station - Laverian Brandy (Max Allocation 7t)
Disco - Shifnalport - Diso Ma Corn (Max Allocation 15t)
Zaonce - Ridley Scott - Leathery Egg (Max Allocation 1t)
Uszaa - Guest Installation - Uszaian Tree Grub (Max Allocation 14t) - Station spawns two missions for slaves which the station sells, easy 40k profit without leaving the station.
Orrere - Sharon Lee Free Market - Orrerian Vicious Brew (Max Allocation 16t)
Korro Kung - Lonchakov Orbital - Koro Kung Pellets (Max Allocation 20t) - Given the 622,040 ls distance to the station might not want to bother with this.

Jump 200ly to:

Witchhaul - Hornby Terminal - Witchhaul Kobe Beef (Max Allocation 9t)
Fujin - Futen Starport - Fujin Tea (Max Allocation 10t)
39 Tauri - Porta - Tauri Chimes (Max Allocation 17t)
George Pantazis - Zamka Platform - Pantaa Prayer Sticks (Max Allocation 14t)
Momus Reach - Tartarus Point - Momus Bog Spaniel (Max Allocation 7t)
Wolf 1301 - Saunders's Dive - Wolf Fesh (Max Allocation 13t illegal in some systems although security scans never result in any problems and can be sold on Lave black market)
Geras - Yurchikhin Port - Gerasian Gueuze Beer - (Max Allocation 24t) The epic 1,052,931ls sc to the station, probably not worth it.
Zeessze - Nicollier Hanger - Zeessze Ant Grub Glue - (Max Allocation 18)

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Re: Short Rare Route for new players needing cash.

Postby EAGLE 5 » Sun Feb 15, 2015 9:17 pm

I usually hit up all the rares in the old worlds region jump to ethgreze sell there pick up the rares there and hit up a return route and sell there. Not very efficient but it does up bump up the bank account when I get tired of everything else.

If only those luxury traers were still around :)

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Re: Short Rare Route for new players needing cash.

Postby Flip » Mon Feb 16, 2015 11:42 am

EAGLE 5 wrote:If only those luxury traers were still around :)

Ah, good ol' times... ;)
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