Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR: Garth55
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Garth55 » Sun Jun 14, 2020 2:23 am

Hello Cmdr Garth55,
I started playing Elite back in '84 on C64 and was very pleased when the latest iteration came out on PC in 2015. Been playing ever since. I really use to enjoy team PvEn met a lot of nice people as well as a few wackos, then as time went on found an increasing tendency for ganking and griefing to be driving one's playstyle in a direction one did not really want to go! I have also been rather disappointed with the upgrades and changes that have been occurring so not playing as frequently as I used to. Just found out about Mobius so thought would give it a go. Retired in Australia and a big SciFi fan. I look forward to seeing people in the black. O7.

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CMDR: Nyssa von Everic
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Nyssa » Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:29 pm

Hello, CMDR Nyssa Von Everic here.
I started playing elite back when the game first came out, kind of got bored, hopped back when engineers came out, and now I'm back in it again. I play elite to relax and not get blown up by "content creators" but I love interacting with other players, so that's why I joined Mobius.

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CMDR: Neilsonator
CMDR_Platform: XBOX

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Neilsonator » Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:12 am

Hi, CMDR Neilsonator here, xbox one.

Been plying for 2/3 years xbox.
Been in Mobius on my GF's xbox on here gamer tag.
But now im running my own xbox too with my gamer tag.

Up for exploration and trading.
Would like to sort a ship for group PVE, under stand the weapons a bit more for it..


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CMDR: Big_davey_b
CMDR_Platform: PlayStation

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Big_davey_b » Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:48 pm

Greetings Everybody.
CMDR Big Davey B reporting.
Started playing Elite on the BBC back in 88. Moved on to Frontier Elite 2 on the Amiga. Then started it over on the PC. I was also lucky enough to get Frontier First Encounters. Been playing ED since October last year.
I’m playing on PS4. And I have recently shelled out for PS+. Now looking to get involved in some co-op pve. I can clear out a medium Conflict Zone. But the higher levels, really seem designed for co-op play. Either that or I’m just not good enough yet.

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CMDR: N0ah5151
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby N0ah5151 » Thu Jun 18, 2020 7:03 am

Hello fellow commanders,

I'm Benjamin from Germany, 33 years old, a father, husband and gamer. I work as an IT specialist e.g. Sysadmin, been a gamer half my life and recently been rather active again in ED. Had my account there for a while.

I've found you after looking for a solution to being ganked yesterday at the new triple LTD hotspot in Col... Got destroyed within seconds without warning, messaging or RP.
I played in solo the last weeks, but somehow decided to go open yesterday. Went great, yeah...

Also, as ED is vast, complicated and dangerous, I'd love to play with others. Also, playing alone gets somewhat boring after a while. So I hope to get deeper into the game and have some fun with you folks.


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CMDR: FusRohDah
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby FusRohDah » Tue Jun 23, 2020 12:46 am


I got this game for Xmas and I've been playing on and off.

I'm doing engineering missions trying to get them all unlocked. So far my best ship is a Python with some engineered parts. I am currently trying to figure out how to get a ride on a fleet carrier out to Tir b/c I mined enough Osimum finally to unlock the engineer out there, but I don't want to jump all the way out there. I will gladly pay some serious credits to hitch a ride though. 8-)

So far I just watched a lot of youtube videos and learned how to play on my own. Anyway, let me know about hitching a ride to Colonia or whatever its called.

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CMDR: Nightfawkes
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Nighthawk610 » Wed Jun 24, 2020 7:49 pm

Hello everyone!

I am playing under the CMDR name of NightFawkes. I just started playing Elite Dangerous but honestly I have no idea how I just discovered it as I have loved space sims for years. I have an Oculus Quest and found it by searching for cool VR space games. I am still getting my feet wet and learning the basics, watching YouTube videos and trying to discover what job I like doing best. Also still struggling with what ship I want to buy as my first upgrade based on the jobs I like best.

When it comes to multiplayer games of this level I'd rather play with a bunch of people I can get to know rather than a bunch of PVP players I'd rather never meet again. :-) Looking forward to getting to know the community and trying out some of the joint multiplayer type aspects of the game!

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CMDR: Mumbojumbo95
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby MumboJumbo95 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:21 pm

Hi everyone, still new-ish to the game but I heard about this group on an E:D Facebook group. Only played in solo for the time being, after playing other games (GTA is a good example) where idiots just like to kill for the sake of it, even if that isn't the point of the game. I'd rather be able to get on and do stuff/make money without hassle.

As for what I've done so far in E:D, I left the starter systems about a week ago with my Cobra and just over 1m Cr. I stumbled across a nice Void Opal hotspot and made enough for a Keelback. After a couple more trips, had enough for my DBX and outfitting (the advice I got was A rated FSD/thrusters, D rate everything else, and have the smallest reactor you can get away with. Got about 35ly jump and I'm breaking it in going to the Coalsack, but it would be nice to see other players when I return.

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CMDR: Mobius
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Mobius » Wed Jul 01, 2020 9:02 pm


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Droch Boddach
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CMDR: Droch Boddach
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Droch Boddach » Fri Jul 03, 2020 5:35 am

Hello all,

Fairly new to ED, started on 20 June and loving it so far, have had a good start as a trader finding cheap tritium on a mission early.
In game I'm CMDR Droch Bodddach, definately looking for the PvE style.

Interested in how politics sways events and how supporting factions works.
Last edited by Droch Boddach on Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Now I did a job. I got nothing but trouble since I did it, not to mention more than a few unkind words as regard to my character so let me make this abundantly clear. I do the job. And then I get paid. - Mal Reynolds

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