Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR: Scratching Minakers
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Beanie » Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:43 am

Hello fellow Commanders.

Beanie here, AKA Beanbags McBean and also plays as CMDR Scratching Minakers :D

I believe I was a member here when ED first launched, have had quite a long time away and its great to see how much Mobius as grown!

I am from the UK, i live in Perth Australia and am a big fan of Elite since its first inception. Yep, 1984, and i was a teenager then, so yep, im an old bloke.

I like all aspects of ED, BH, exploration, events etc. I intend to grind the federation and empire ranks, do the Guardians mission timeline and then look to engage some thargoid scum. would like to get some decent engineers blueprints done, but i believe this is a long grind, so will do that as i go along.

Main reason for joining Mobius is to find some like minded players in my timezone. Been playing in open as solo player and am disapointed to see there are still those idiot griefers who are their just to spoil others gameplay. However, some of them did come to a quick end, i really like my FDL, which is fully specced :)

cya in game.

PS. Its been 2 days since my application, not in a rush, but hoped I would have been granted docking permission by now. Will keep my eye on it, and come back if I am still waiting in a couple more days. I know it can take a liitle while.

Chow for Now


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CMDR: Gribbite
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Gribbite » Sat Apr 21, 2018 8:30 pm

Hello All,

CMDR Gribbite (PC) here, just introducing my new PS4 alter ego CMDR Tuggite (PS4). Feel free to add me as a PS4 friend as I await approval join Mobius on PlayStation and start fresh with my trusty sidewinder. My large PC fleet is parked at Zeta Horologii and for PS will likely hang near the starter areas in small ships for quite some time to build credits to fund a small explorer build. Will miss my engineered Anaconda on this platform, but looking forward to fresh adventures from the comfort of the living room.

See you in the black!

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CMDR: Whiplashr
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Whiplashr » Sun Apr 22, 2018 10:52 am

Hi all. Old school Space Sim fan. Going back to Wing Commander and Privateer, and dozens of others since then. I've owned ED for a couple years but didn't play it much. I only recently got Horizons and wanted to actually play the game regularly.

It was asked why I wanted to play PvE more than PvP. It's simple really, I have always hated PvP. I'm not an uber competitive person. I've avoided it in almost all games and MMO's because it's just not for me. And often in games with PvP, the majority of them are simply elitist griefing douchebags who bully and shame you for not wanting to be their victim perpetually.

I'm excited about the prospect of teaming up with others to explore and take on challenges together.

I requested to join the group, awaiting my acceptance.

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CMDR: George Hezal
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Onyoursix » Sun Apr 22, 2018 4:47 pm


Decided to bite the bullet and try out ED after checking it out on youtube and I am really enjoying it. I used to play a lot of space sim games like the X series, Wing Commander, and X-wing series way back, thought I did a lot more Eve:Online than either of these. Figured I could use a bit of a break from the constant threat of PvP to just enjoy the game in a slightly more laid back way. Heard about this group pretty quickly and thought it would be a good match. Hope to hear from the group soon o7.

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CMDR: Stat1985
CMDR_Platform: XBOX

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Stat1985 » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:21 am

Hi all,
I'm Stat1985 both on here and in game.
For all those of the pc master race, I must admit to being console scum! Lol

So how many others here play on the x1?

Anyway am looking forward to being able to trade in relative peace. Had my conda blown up twice in one day thanks to greifers!!!

Guess I should have stayed out of the CG, but really wanted to contribute.

Anyways, I look forward to meeting you all.

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CMDR: Fortunas Sands
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Fortunas » Mon Apr 23, 2018 8:53 pm

Cmdr Fortunas Sands here. I had been playing in open so I'd at least see other people, but a bad experience with someone interdicting players near a CG had me looking on the forums for any positive reasons for staying in open play. While looking those over, I saw reference to Mobius, and checking up on it, it sounded like just my speed. Interaction with others playing without the toxic version of PVP that seems to show up near community stuff in open play.

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby tommy1892 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 2:50 am

Hello all,

CMDR BUSHLEAGUE in game. Tommy1892 on forums.

I recently installed Elite Dangerous and it has quickly grown on me.

I don't get on as often as I would like. I am in my 30s, have a wife and 3 kids, one of which was just born this month, so my time online is scarce. I live in North East US and I am typically online after my kids go to bed, so usually between 9pm and midnight or so.

I am really just getting started in Elite Dangerous. I was doing research on ships and trade routes when I came across a reference to MOBIUS in the Elite forums. I continued to go it solo in open for a while and then I got pulled out of hypercruise and destroyed on my way to turn in 3 hours worth of bounty hunting contracts for a CG. So, remembering that MOBIUS was mentioned to be non-PVP and one of, if not the, largest group in Elite Dangerous... Here I am.

I am pretty casual and know that I don't have time to commit to powerplay but look forward to teaming up in a wing when I can. I've run across a few players but have had no interaction in game as of yet.

See ya out there.

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CMDR: Zentious
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby IRZentai » Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:27 pm


CMDR Zentious reporting in both in game and in the forums.

Like a decent portion of you all I just started playing a couple months ago and fell in love with the game. Yes it has it's ups and downs but what game doesn't. While I've only been gank'd once by some one that typed in comms "no kill goids" whatever that means and then immediately destroyed my python with what was likely an over engineered Federal Assault Ship after Interdicting me near a starbase, can't remember which one it was, though it was a main one. Other then that I've general had a neutral experience on Open Play, but I generally play Solo Mode as I mostly either run Mission Board runs, go exploring, and or doing some AI bounty hunting mostly for the mats and the lolz as I get more comfortable with combat, (Though the monies is nice too). so my interactions with others is limited at best. I might be an odd duck though as I do enjoy interdictions both being interdicted and interdicting unless it's a player that seems to insta-win making it not much a competition even if I can keep the escape vector centered in which makes no sense.

Anyway I've tried just about everything in game so far with the exception of Power Play/CGC and CGs, however exploration and courier missions are my bread and butter 90-95% of the time both time spent and credit-wise. My ship's names are for my Python which is also my main mission running and bounty hunting ship named the "Zentai-B", my Diamondback Explorer called the "Spacejumper" due to it's nearly 62ly jump range granted that's about all it can do, so it's my main deep space planet hunting explorer along with my Asp Explorer called "ESS Explorer" with a 51ly jump range if I want to bring along an SRV to surface prospect or mess around on low and or high gravity planets.

If I'm not exploring my home base is the Founder's World/Jameson Memorial Station as I'm already Elite in exploration so there's a decent chance you'll find me there or running haulage and data delivery missions around the bubble so if you see me, give me a salute and I'm always up for a chat or to make friends. I promise I won't bite! :)

Hope to see you all out there!

CMDR Zentious out! o7

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CMDR: Loz42
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Loz42 » Tue Apr 24, 2018 4:45 pm

Hey guys cmdr Loz42 here just joined today :) Played the original in it's day and have been gaming ever since, I live in the UK am a father/grandfather for my sins and Elite is helping me escape once more to a realm where the young'uns can't get to me lol.
I chose PvE over PvP because honestly I suck at the whole intense fighting thing (I love trying but I think my reactions aren't what they used to be lol) I'm now 524hrs into the game and still not Elite at anything and would love to have a safe place (With other Cmdrs) to fly, I'm hoping this is it?...
I am also a believer in sharing any information I have but also not being afraid to ask for help as well :) I fly a small tidy fleet consisting of a SW, a DBX, a Python (My favourite ship!) and a mineaconda, I have opened 75% of the engineers and still haven't started the Guardian stuff, hope to see some of you in the black o7

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby tryddle » Tue Apr 24, 2018 5:07 pm

So, um, I guess, chrm chrm:


yeah that's it, go for it

So my name is CMDR TRYDDLE, and I just started this game, I'm watching a tutorial by ObsidianAnt I think, and he said : "Join Mobius for PvE, it's cool etc." um Yeah, that's how I joined. I bought this game to have a big space simulation and to explore THE GALAXY. So I'm more of a calm player and I don't like PvP that much. So I hope it's a good decision to, like, join this Group/Guild whatever it's called. Anyways, hope you doing well and see you next time. btw im german and i hate silly nazi jokes so.......beware


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