Trading in HIP 106213

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Re: Trading in HIP 106213

Postby Codadragon » Mon May 09, 2016 12:06 am

pargyrak wrote:What is the profit per ton look like in ths route? I need 17% more for Elite trader and at the moment I am doing a 5 jump trip with a 584MT Vette for 4000-4200 per ton.

If it is close to that I can join

Yakama to T'iensei. 2.5k/tonne per IS and then 1.5k for Beryllium back.

One jump to each. So a 2 jump full loop. 7.43ly from each other.

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Re: Trading in HIP 106213

Postby KLED » Mon May 09, 2016 12:13 am

JohnLuke wrote:I've been running the Canecama - Canta Athis route a bit today. Pretty sweet find, Kled! :D

3 hops in the Cutter, 15 minute loops.

Whenever we can wing, you'll get $633,600 per hour in trade bonuses if we maintain pace (4 loops per hour). Do you use TS?

Well, what can I say. When I want something I want something.

I downloaded TS a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not the most social person so when I opened it I saw the big list of people and closed it again. I'm happy to use it if we're going to wing up, but chit chatting with strangers isn't my cup of tea.

I was going to say I'd be online about 6 hours from now when I get home from work, but I've just called FedEx and scheduled to pick up my Vive. It's still in a container so they'll get back to me, if I can go get it today I probably won't be back on Elite until I've tried out the couple dozen games/experiences I've been collecting over the past 2 months.

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Re: Trading in HIP 106213

Postby Codadragon » Mon May 09, 2016 12:31 am

KLED wrote:I downloaded TS a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not the most social person so when I opened it I saw the big list of people and closed it again. I'm happy to use it if we're going to wing up, but chit chatting with strangers isn't my cup of tea.

I agree. :P
I will chit chat on games like BF4 and stuff, but if you have an objective that isn't just shooting people, then I'd rather talk about the game.

KLED wrote:I was going to say I'd be online about 6 hours from now when I get home from work, but I've just called FedEx and scheduled to pick up my Vive. It's still in a container so they'll get back to me, if I can go get it today I probably won't be back on Elite until I've tried out the couple dozen games/experiences I've been collecting over the past 2 months.

Nice man. I've yet to use a VR headset of any kind in my whole life, so I can't say I share your excitement, but I imagine it's like buying yourself a new toy for the holidays. You just can't wait for it to arrive, then you forget about it, then you remember about you ordering it and you try to hold in the anticipation until it arrives in a few days.

Oh well. All the best, and enjoy the Vive.

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Re: Trading in HIP 106213

Postby JohnLuke » Mon May 09, 2016 10:59 am

KLED wrote:Well, what can I say. When I want something I want something.

I downloaded TS a couple of weeks ago, but I'm not the most social person so when I opened it I saw the big list of people and closed it again. I'm happy to use it if we're going to wing up, but chit chatting with strangers isn't my cup of tea.

I was going to say I'd be online about 6 hours from now when I get home from work, but I've just called FedEx and scheduled to pick up my Vive. It's still in a container so they'll get back to me, if I can go get it today I probably won't be back on Elite until I've tried out the couple dozen games/experiences I've been collecting over the past 2 months.

I don't use the group chat rooms in TS either. I've stopped in once or twice and left after a few minutes.

I do, however, encourage guys to use the other specific channels available on TS for combat, trade, exploration, or CG wings. When you have 2-4 guys in a channel that are in a wing together in game, it's great. :D

Congrats on the HOTAS! 8-) I hope it arrives today and that we don't see you in E-D for a few days. ;)

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