Star Citizen?

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Star Citizen?

Postby UnmarkedBoxcar » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:02 pm

Anyone on this forum have any experience/knowledge of things Star Citizen related?

I'm a little curious, and looking for firsthand information.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby Feldspar » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:23 pm

Well, I gave it some money as I thought I'd probably buy it when it was released, but I can't say I keep up with it and keep hearing mixed things about it.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby UnmarkedBoxcar » Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:25 pm

They've raised over 80 million in crowd funding... that's so much money.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby -Jericho- » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:21 pm

I pledged to SC in late 2013, and walked around the hangar for 6 months before Arena Commander was first released, I played it a bit and decided that I didn't really enjoy it. (the flight model)
I let it sit for a long while, hoping the flight dynamics would improve, and then I tried AC again..... once again I didn't enjoy it.
Soon thereafter I Beta backed Elite, and had so much more fun flying that I haven't gone back to Arena Commander since.

I'm sure SC will be a great game when its ready.... it just ain't ready.
Although I backed years ago, I plan on waiting until release to give it another go.

Occasionally I tune into the 'Around the Verse' series on YouTube, and stuff seems to be happening. It all looks awesome, so many great ideas, I really do hope they pull it off.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby UnmarkedBoxcar » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:43 am

Thanks, Jericho :) That's just the kinda stuff I'm looking for.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby Skipp » Thu Jun 25, 2015 12:45 am

I have it. At the moment there's NOTHING to do ingame apart from shooting drones or arena PvP which in most cases doesn't work because the servers are buggy and you can't get to group up.

the 2 zones for the "arena" are very small. You can boost 2-3 times and you'll be hitting the invisible wall. Yes - walls in space!

The game is a HUGE resource hog. Anything below GTX970 will have major lag issues with framerates below 30FPS.

My rig: i7 3770k @ 4ghz, 16Gb DDR3 1600Mhz, MSI GTX970 Gaming edition. I can run the game in 45-60fps. I had the MSI GTX770 Gaming edition until last week. So the same rig, but with the GTX770, and I couldn't get more than 25FPS in the tutorial... maybe 30 in arena mode on low/med details. So it looks like the new GPU architecture really makes a huge difference.

What worries me is the fact that the game has insane ambitions, it's been in development for a very long time now, they have numerous independant teams working on different aspects of the game... and the longer it takes them to do anything, i just keep thinking more that the game can't turn out to be good.

I mean - they have ships for 250k $ (real money) in their store (or they had). They said themselves they won't even bother to balance ships because that's not the way SC works... They will have a first person shooter implemented, multiple-player-crewe ships, boarding ships in space, planetary landings, station walking, full MMO universe, trading, station building, dogfights, trading... the mere aspect of the idea is just insanely big.

And after all these years of development they have NOTHING at all to show to backers except 2 room-sized zones where you can fly your ship in circles.

No one would be happier than me if they actually pull it off... but I really doubt it will turn out good. Especially if you consider the fact that there's not a single MMO that had a smooth release. They will spend 80mil $ and release a game that will need patches and updates on day 1 like any MMO. Now imagine you payed a few THOUSAND dollars for an ingame ship like tons of people did - and you get a crap game... :D

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby -Jericho- » Thu Jun 25, 2015 1:38 am

Skipp wrote:I have it. At the moment there's NOTHING to do ingame apart from shooting drones or arena PvP which in most cases doesn't work because the servers are buggy and you can't get to group up.
And after all these years of development they have NOTHING at all to show to backers except 2 room-sized zones where you can fly your ship in circles.

Hey Skipp,

I share your concerns, every one of them, and especially the ones about SC being overly ambitious and biting off more than they can chew.

There is only one thing that keeps me hoping:
1. They have $80mil from private sponsorship.

This is a HUGE advantage over 'regular' games.
Regular games have corporate goals, corporate decision makers and corporate financial needs, whereas SC does not (or at least, they have fewer).

(I'm sour right now about Corporate Decision Makers, so I'll leave this one be)

No being burdened by a Corporation will allow the SC team a lot more flexibility, and afford them a ton more focus.

Also, think about how corporate games need to be costed. A significant portion is reserved for marketing purposes. Games like Bethesda's Skyrim cost $80 mil, and it was pretty awesome, but I bet $20mil (or more!) of that was for marketing.

What will an unchained focused and flexible team be able to pull off with $80+ mil?

However, let's come back down to earth for a few moments: Star Citizen, in its final version, will not be released anytime soon. My gut tells me end of 2016 for the PU.
Arena Commander is still very limited.
AND Star Marine is late and has no release date in sight.

For me, that's ok. I will wait and enjoy being a part of the Elite development.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby Emanon » Thu Jun 25, 2015 3:24 pm

I will admit I've invested a bit more money than I should have on some Star Citizen ships and stuff, but I do look at it as an investment of a game that has tremendous potential. Like others I will say my interest has waned a bit because of so many other good games (like ED!) and even checking out new builds/content with SC isn't as exciting as it first was because they still need to do a lot of optimizing, but to be fair they just aren't at that stage yet. Once they do smooth out the animations and optimize the graphics for a wider range of systems I think it will be something fun to get back into at least keep up with (as right now, I tend to get motion sickness way too easily from this early alpha stage).

I expect it to get better and get more into it closer to when the overall package is coming together, just worried that may take longer than they think because of all the scope creep. I'm sure some of the ambitious game mechanics and systems of gameplay will have to be toned down a bit for a possible future implementation as no matter how much money you throw at something some things will just be limited to technologies and even people way smarter to me not really understanding how to effectively implement something so advanced and intricate. (I hope I'm wrong though.)
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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby VeNoM56k » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:44 pm

Bought the cheapest package ages ago. Haven't touched it since the original launch of Arena Commander, mainly just waiting for more to be added. I am not a fan at how they are selling tons of ships for lots of money before the game is even in an alpha state though.

I am still excited for the game but am waiting for the persistent universe to be ready before i jump in properly.

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Re: Star Citizen?

Postby pargyrak » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:26 pm

I have invested quite a bit also. Got 2 mid sized ships before I got wind that Elite is coming .

Actually Wing Commander, Privateer and the first Elite are the only games I have really played and I trust Roberts will deliver a great game.
Perhaps too complex for my taste though. Did not do more than walk around and fly once outside the dock.

Perhaps we can get together and create a group there when the game is launched.
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