Python or FDL? (Edit - Python!)

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Sun May 10, 2015 5:07 pm

Not really adding anything here.....But I like the FDL......Been flying it in cross platform...Only downside was the poxy fuel tank.....You really do need a scoop.....

One shotted a Cobra with the PA at 1.8Km.......

And yes.....That is what you call Luck.....


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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby Walter » Sun May 10, 2015 5:11 pm

Colin The Grey wrote:Short Answer:


I was running a Python for a couple of weeks on a good trade run with no shields or weapons, but 292t cargo space and no problems - although running from interdictions is a useful skill. It's far more profitable to pay for fuel and any damage incurred at interdictions than to kit up with fuel scoops, guns and shields.
Not quite the same setup for a profitable week away in Quivira with the same ship.

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby StaticRadion » Sun May 10, 2015 6:12 pm

Most of the replies you have received are spot on, but I though maybe I could offer a bit more insight. In short the FDL and Python are both great ship, but in my opinion the Python is better in every situation with exception to price. If you are just saving up for one of these 2 ship then you may want to consider the cost of outfitting either of them to what you would consider reasonable. I will give you a few examples including my own Python and what I would consider to be the bare minimum configuration for either ship in regards to combat to the tune of about 66 million credits.

The Bare minimum:

Python-,5TP5T ... O7kO16y16y
FDL-,7RK5R ... ,7T27hG7hG
- Uncheck the cargo scoops to bring either ship to 98% power usage.

Notes: Shields- 562 to 680 winner FDL, ARM- 740 to 225 winner Python, Jump Range- 13.75 to 13.84 winner FDL, Fuel Cap- 32 to 8 winner Python, and the unused utility or internal compartment slots. Though I would say that the biggest thing to possibly note is the areas in which the FDL is already maxed out in this example i.e. power plant, FSD, and power distributor. That is the FDL does not get much better than that requiring min maxing and careful consideration to limited resources, read power, to get the most out of it. On the other hand the Python in this example can be upgraded in almost every area.

My Python:,5Dd5D ... y4_w0KU0KU
-Uncheck the cargo scoop, fuel scoop, and both auto field-maintenance units as they are off 90% of the time to see that I am in fact at 99% power usage.

Final thoughts: Using a Vulture for combat and a Type-7 to trade for as long as possible is not only a good idea but probably the smarter thing to do.

TL;DR- Python>FDL

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby Flip » Sun May 10, 2015 11:08 pm

I got a Python with the discount at Zaonce, primarily because I thought I could sell it back at full price (silly me!), and since I had it, I thought I could as well try it. So I equipped it (mostly B class) and took it for a spin in a couple of RES and high intensity CZ. After a few weeks fighting with a Vulture, the Python feels really sluggish. I love how the Vulture can dance around big ships and dodge their cannons, so by contrast I find the Python rather boring, to be honest. OTOH, it definitely kills faster than the Vulture, so it's a better money maker.
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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby Kiltrathi » Mon May 11, 2015 10:01 am

I had the same doubts, Clipper, Fer-de-Lance or Python.
After weighing the pros and cons I picked the Python.

I picked the Python over the Fer-de-Lance as the Python would allow me to keep doing trade runs with its huge cargo capacity. It's not too shabby at fighting once it's been upgraded to fighting specifications. The Fer-de-Lance would have greatly reduced trading capabilities. The Clipper only lands at large pads. The Python is capable of doing two of the three activities I do with my Asp and T7, trading and missions, whereas the Fer-de-Lance is primarily a combat orientated ship. With the money I'll be able to generate from the use of the Python I should be able to afford a Vulture very soon, something I doubt I'd be able to do with the Fer-de-Lance.

Mind you, I will be getting the Fer-de-Lance sooner or later.

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby Antmax » Tue May 12, 2015 6:34 am

I prefer the Python to the FDL. I had a short stint in the beta with the FDL and switched to Vulture which I flew for a while in 1.2.
In the end the Vulture started making the game boring because it was too easy to kill NPC's with and not very flexible elsewhere.
I switched from Vulture back to a kitted out Asp and was much happier. Combat was a bit more challenging and you could do a bit of everything.

With the Zaonce and Diso CG's being really close I ended up selling the Asp for a Python which feels like a big Asp 208t cargo. Decent with D shields plus 1x shield booster and 1x cells. It's deadly with just pulse and MC's. You can do just about anything you like when you feel like it. In comparison the FDL seems a bit limited.

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby stummies » Tue May 12, 2015 10:09 pm

I never tried the Python, but I typically don't do much else than bounty hunt so the fighter ships work better for me. Compared to the Vulture the FDL isn't as maneuverable, but it can be a lot more fun to fly. It forces you to make use of the directional thrusters and flight assist off, both make dog fighting fun and challenging.

The ship does have the downside of have 4 medium slots, but they're big enough to take down anything small quickly. For the bigger stuff the cannon can waste the largest ships with only a few well placed shots. I can pull in a million credits easily and still have 70 rounds in my cannon (or more). It's a bit tricky to figure out how to use the cannon but along with the flying it's a unique characteristic that adds to the flying fun.

I have the ship mostly fitted now how I want except for 1 shield booster, and A thrusters and power plant (both B now). The first day or two I really was having second thoughts, but once I got a decent power distributor in it and the large cannon the ship is really showing it's true colors now.

I have no opinion on whether you should pick this over the Python, I haven't used that ship. That said I prefer to have multiple ships, each specifically specialized for a task, this ship works well to kill pirates. The Vulture is a better ship for RES farming, but given the bottle neck being spawn rate both the Vulture and the FDL do just as well. The Vulture was just boring to fly, too easy to do what it was designed to do, the FDL throws some quirks in the mix to make some fun.

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby UnmarkedBoxcar » Wed May 13, 2015 3:53 pm

I find my Python to be a bit more challenging while bounty hunting than my Vulture. While it's not as easy to dance around the bounties, I do feel quite formidable... there's just something about that firepower, the versatility, the range, the cargo capacity...everything, really.

I don't know if you've made your purchase yet but... I suppose I could put in my two cents while I'm trapped here at my desk...

Honestly, I'm not sure 1x Huge hardpoint is better than 3x Large Hardpoints. Not only is hardpoint placement fairly spot on in the Python (FDL has some interesting firing arcs) but large hardpoints are more versatile than huge ones IMHO (so far). That's not to say the huge hardpoint doesn't pack a punch, and of course you could fit it with a class 3 weapon instead, but that sort've defeats the purpose of having a huge hardpoint...

Also, FDL seems to suffer from similar power problems to that of the Vulture, while the Python is extremely efficient.

Not to mention many people's complaints about the FDL cockpit. *shrugs*

But, then again... that speed...that mass lock...and those shields.

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby OrdoDax » Sun May 17, 2015 8:28 pm

UnmarkedBoxcar wrote:
Also, FDL seems to suffer from similar power problems to that of the Vulture........

This is my main concern with with the FDL. I prefer to have separate ships for the relevant jobs so will keep my T9 (when i have it!) for trading and Asp for exploring, for this reason the FDL would be the more attractive option.

But with the 'Powerplay' update coming soon that may change things and make the Python more appealing. Will be a good while yet before i can afford either of them, let alone kit them out!

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Re: Python or FDL?

Postby smartroad » Sun May 17, 2015 8:42 pm

Still saving lol

I am almost at the point of being able to buy one, give me a week or so. That said while I could buy it I doubt I would be able to fly it there and then as I would need to get more funds to kit it out at least some what. So probably at least 3 weeks away yet. Depending on any CG's I do in the mean time.
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