Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby RAVENEYE82 » Mon Nov 29, 2021 4:56 am

I am Cmdr Raveneye82. It has multiple personal meanings to me. I was told about ED by a friend and started playing a little over a week ago. I did not think I would like it, but am completely hooked. I much prefer a PvE setting as it gives time to learn the mechanics of the game and I am here to relax after all. I am an older gamer of 39 yrs old and look forward to meeting many people out in space that are not looking to shoot me.

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CMDR: Riroden
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Riroden » Wed Dec 08, 2021 6:26 am


Riroden on board and in game. New to Elite. Still figuring out how I want to play the game - though history would say PVE. I'm new-ish to games generally so thought this might be a way to play w/other humans.

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CMDR: Fraximus
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby fraximus » Sat Dec 11, 2021 8:02 pm

Hey everyone! I'm CMDR Fraximus, and new here. I'm glad to see such awesome communities out here in the black.

I'm one of these gamers who play a lot of games and enjoy exploration in many games, and very into space games. I'm not very hardcore though due to real-life career and social activities taking up most of my time.
I mostly prefer PVE and co-op aspects of games since that's the best way to see all what games have to offer.

Cheers! And thanks for creating this community.

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CMDR: GreenViper
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby GreenViper » Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:54 pm

Greetings and welcome to Mobius, Commander Fraximus
Hope to meet you in the Black one day!

Besides ED, you can also find GreenViper in FS2020, ATS and ETS... just let me know and say hi ;)

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Check out our Team Speak and Discord servers, which are great ways to chat, meet, and organize with other players.
Also, make sure to check the Policy page if you haven't already.
On top of all of that, we also have a Facebook group and Twitter feed.
There is a lot of great info on the message board, and we have compiled a long list of Tips and Tricks to help new players acclimatize to the game while having fun.
- Cmdr GreenViper -

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby USMC_SEIGE » Mon Dec 13, 2021 6:43 am

Greetings all,

I am Commander USMC_SEIGE, though all my friends here can call me Seige. I've been playing Elite Dangerous for a few months now, pretty much entirely in solo, since I do not wish to play PvP. Space has gotten a little lonely so I decided to seek out a group of like minded individuals, and here I am. I look forward to seeing you out there and waving out the window as I zip past at multiple times the speed of light.

Other than Elite Dangerous, I also enjoy playing a large variety of other games. I am especially fond of Conan Exiles for base building and No Man's Sky where I am a proud member of the Qitanian empire.

See you out there!

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Hucast » Mon Dec 13, 2021 11:24 am

Cmdr HUCAST here.
I joined because my main interest is being a space taxi driver. I used to haul goods but since hauling missions are not as constantly available like passenger missions I switched to hauling people.
Yesterday I bought me a Beluga Liner from my hard earned savings.
PvP isn't my thing (my ship is completely unarmed to save power and mass). But still I want to come across other players just to not feel all alone in this vast galaxy. But unfortunately I was killed for no reason more than once.
So I used to play singleplayer until I heared of Mobius and now here I am.
I hope I will not meet a renegade player here and that all further contact with real players will be enjoyable.
I'm 41 years old, married and we have two girls, living in south germany.
See you in game... perhaps. So long.

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CMDR: otterpops
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby otterpops » Thu Dec 23, 2021 10:22 am

Hi, I'm Cmdr otterpops. o7
I have been playing and contributing code to space trading games and tools since the days of Tradewars on ASCII BBSes, and also latched onto the Wing Commander series and more realistic flight simulators at a young age. I sort of stumbled into Elite by playing Star Wars Squadrons in 2020, buying a Thrustmaster t16000 throttle & stick, and then finding out that this model of HOTAS was specifically designed for Elite. So, I gave it a try and instantly fell in love with the vast and rich galaxy, and the large community that has produced some excellent tools and tutorials that have made life so much easier for us latecomers.

I traded my way up from a Sidewinder to a Cobra to a Type 7 to an Asp Explorer. I ranked up to Elite in Trade, then Exploration, and am currently working on advancing from Expert in Combat. I was briefly in a squad that I didn't really vibe with, and I'm still interested in co-op fun -- most of the reason I joined Mobius. I fly in Open sometimes, especially when doing powerplay activities, and I have a little PvP experience (mostly hunting gankers), but most often I've found the unexpected PvP moments in the game to be frustrating.

I'm just returning the game after a hiatus. I have made a lot of spacebucks, mostly hauling on circular trade routes in my T9, or laser mining. Currently, I'm doing a lot of pirate massacre mission stacking and trying to earn the credits to stock up on Prismatics and move on to another powerplay faction. Feel free to message me (in game) if you'd like to join in on pirate squashing, or even mining a RES in a wing, or participating in a CG! I don't have any experience at anti-Xeno combat, but I'd love to learn and am planning on outfitting a Cutter for it soon, now that the bugs have invaded.

Anyway, hi, and thanks for coming to my TED talk.

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CMDR: Hazel Electralux
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Hazelbean » Sat Jan 01, 2022 7:03 am

Hi. I am CMDR Hazel Electralux. I am a 51-year-old transgender woman. I started playing ED before I transitioned. I deleted my old CMDR and started again in 2016 when I began my transition. I didn't realise at the time I could have asked for my name and gender to be changed. His account is still on here, though I cannot access it. Anyway, I have always played PvE. To me, it's important to play cooperatively, real life sucks because we don't cooperate enough.

I've had a break in playing, from June 2018 to November 2021, largely because my GFX card couldn't cope at all. Between November and now, I've made lots of credits in my T9, Sexy Space Cow. I'm currently running cargo missions for the Sirius Corporation in my Krait mk2, Oestrogen. I'm an Elite trader and not far from being an Elite explorer. I am competent at combat, though I think in my case that is overestimating my ability. I am pants at combat.

I hope I can meet you out in the black.

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CMDR: StillBill
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

CMDR StillBill: Please introduce yourself.

Postby StillBill » Mon Jan 03, 2022 10:50 pm


I started playing ED a little over a year ago and I've really enjoyed it. I've enjoyed it so much that I invested in my first HOTAS (Thrustmaster Flight Pack: Flight Stick, Throttle and Rudders), and recently upgraded to a VKB Gladiator NXT Flight Stick. I'm interested in upgrading my rudders in the future, but the thought of having to redo all the Bindings is a major deterrent. If anyone has any insight on how to reuse a Bindings file when you change a device, please let me know.

Although I have mostly played solo, I'm interested in participating in some Wing missions. Open mode could be my favorite, but I'm a casual 57-year-old player and I've been destroyed by several gankers while I had a Clean ship, and it frustrates me that there's no system in place to properly punish them. This leads to why I'm here and joined Mobius.

I'll see you in the Bubble Commanders!

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CMDR: TinyTove
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby TinyTove » Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:47 pm

I'm about 50. I spent most of my childhood playing Elite on friends Acorns / BBCs and finally got it on C64 and that was the last anybody saw of me, no regrets.

I've been On and Off with Elite Dangerous, 99% off. I bought lots of ED things and expansions and never played them. I figure it's ok. I'm still paying for all the fun I got out of Elite as a kid.

I'm trying to get more into ED. Frontier totally put me off Elite games, it played like a dog on my Amiga and couldn't captivate me. It might be that really I was too much into girls by then. That was a mistake. And again, and again and again.

I played Eve Online for about 10 years. Was big into PvP there and was in alliance tournament winning team 4 times as a relative unknown.

Twitch and Free To Play has murdered online gaming for me. I can't stand listening to kids, crowd pleasers and people who think I owe them an income. Eve was great for this. No kids because the numbers often go downwards, not upwards and kids don't like numbers that go downwards. Twitchers can't actually do anything in Eve because they will quickly meet a bunch of asshats who disagree with their hull being intact. There's no place to hide, once they know they're attacking your livestream, you're done, gb2StardewValley (which, is actually pretty awesome!)

So yeah... why not big on the PvP here for me? I dunno. Maybe some day when I don't absolutely stink at the game, right now, whether it's a CMDR or a decent rat my shields are gone with shot 1 and my hull is gone with shot 2. Until I can break that cycle of misery there is no point me thinking about playing this game "properly"

I'll figure out the discord thing perhaps soon. It's another one of those things "everybody else" is doing and I never saw a reason to care.

I've been trying to make ED work on my Oculus Quest 1 and/or Occulus Go. I can actually get it working, it's just choppy as hell and frankly the resolution is too low and it is difficult to read everything I need to read. Also, voice comms headset + vr headset is a big ask.
Maybe I will get a grown up VR headset for xmas 2022.

Also I need to figure out how to make my ship turn faster. My Cobra MKIII turns faster on my C64 than this one does one my PC. By time I turn that enemy in *absolutey huge* Anaconda is already facing me... how did they do that?! Well I need to figure that out...

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