Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby AchillesVox » Sun Aug 15, 2021 11:38 pm

Hello I’m AchillesVox. I’m an older guy getting back into gaming looking for a group to play with on Xbox. Love space stuff and this game is right up my alley. I’m still learning all the mechanics of this game(there’s so much!) but I’m enjoying it. Hoping to meet some of you so I can have some company while I’m flying around.

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Silmakhor » Fri Aug 20, 2021 8:10 pm

Hey folks,

I just got the game sometime in June, and have been playing a lot since then. I have tried out a lot of aspects of the game and am looking forward to playing in inhabited space again! My current fleet as follows:
Sidewinder - Not sure why I still have one?
Viper Mk III - PVE
AspX - 67 ly jump range, she's my utility ship for taxiing and collecting engineer mats
Python #1 - Robigo cruise liner. I find this to be oddly relaxing - I can run Robigo missions and watch good concerts on youtube.
Python #2 - Laser miner
Krait II - Bounty Hunting and Massacre Missions
Imperial Cutter - outfitted for bulk trading. At some point I'd like to convert her to a miner or PVE queen.

I enjoy many playtyles and eventually want to do wing missions with others.


In game name is Silmacora. I often use female avatars in videogames, but never in tabletop RPG's for some odd reason.

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CMDR: Solaris Fross
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Sunchiller » Fri Sep 17, 2021 10:05 am

Hi! In game I go but CMDR Solaris Fross, but most people just call me Sun! I mainly choose pve just for the fact that most everyone, including myself, don't wish to start from scratch. Although my other reason is that I just enjoy good company when I play. I don't mind pvp at all especially when it comes to friendly skirmishes! When it comes to playstyle I tend to just go with the flow, but I'm not afraid to break a few laws either. Its all in good fun though and I hope to meet many others who just enjoy hanging out and getting into trouble!

Jaxson Lee
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Jaxson Lee » Sat Sep 18, 2021 12:01 am

Hi all, In game i go by CMDR Jaxson Lee. I work as a tool maker in a plastics factory so i don't really have loads of time to devote to pvp. I have found that logging in and doing some Bounty hunting to be really relaxing. I always enjoy good company. I can be reached on discord (Jax#5685).

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CMDR: Voltmeter
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Voltmeter » Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:19 am

Hi all,
i already played the first Elite on Commodore 64, later on Amiga 500.... After a long break i came back to ED with Odyssey a month ago.

But... playing a game with perpetual fear to be killed by groups of players without reason and no chance to escape is no fun. Coming home after a long exploration journey and all data get lost, because someone want's to have an easy kill.. no thanks. :?
It is my spare time and i don't want other players to decide how i have to play my game, even if it's an online-game...

Now i joined Mobius because in Solo Mode there is not the slightest chance to meet other players... ;)

I'm 48 years old, come from Germany and play on PC. Maybe we see us out there...

Fly safe

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CMDR: micahel666
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby micahel666 » Tue Nov 09, 2021 3:11 pm

Greetings commanders!
I`m Mike. I`ve been playing Elite in the early nineties on the soviet PC-XT copy. Started playing ED not so long ago but spent quite a time there. Tend to play together rather than against and hate being distracted from my deeds so was looking for a community with laws and rules against pirating and ganking and here I am.
Interested in any aspect of ED like mining, exploring and PVE so hope to join the community members activities.
See you in space!

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby gwenn-ha-du » Mon Nov 15, 2021 4:26 am

Hi all,

I'm CMDR GWENN-HA-DU, pretty new to Elite: Dangerous in general. Just playing Horizons for now. I'm not interested in fighting, piracy etc and mostly just like cruising around exploring and doing passenger/courier jobs. I'm not a big gamer and just enjoy floating around in space as I find it relaxing. Obviously Mobius PVE made a lot of sense for someone like me.

I love how big and sparse everything is - at the same time, I don't think I've seen a real human player in a system since October! I'm interested to know if there are any 'common' hangout systems or ones that just naturally attract more real humans - especially friendly folk in this PVE?

I'm currently hanging around YZ Ceti and related systems, but have been doing some big passenger trips to make some cash.

Anyway, greetings and thanks to the admins for this group. Fly safe!

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CMDR: Nar Nar Goon
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby tinnitus » Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:55 pm

Space such a big bugger, you may see humans around Exioce, should in Robigo or other hot spots including current community goals events. Dav's Hope (Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23) is a popular PVE place, a group here do a weekly trip there or other places. I am not sure if that is still the case, as I did observe one member of that group recently near Colonia space. Fly Dangerous.

“In real life you never get to say "OMG I died, balls to wall and fly her apart.”

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby FEISTIERBEAST16 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 3:29 am

Totally new to the elite games. Friend told me about it a few years ago, I just dismissed him thinking he was exaggerating. Well I was wrong.

I'm a seasoned gamer 35yr old. I've noticed my twitch reflexes failing with age, plus being a new dad and generally being an adult. After many years of rage quits in general psychopathic behavior resulting from a loss. I've come to the realization that PVE is my cup of tea. I enjoy the slow grind, as opposed to the intensity of PVP.
I've been playing this for about 2 weeks now and I'm really enjoying myself but the universe is a very empty place and I'm looking forward to joining up with some like-minded players.

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby gwenn-ha-du » Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:25 am


tinnitus, love the cmdr name (Nar Nar Goon) - I'm in Melbourne, Australia :)

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