Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR: Peccas
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Peccas » Wed May 20, 2020 4:51 pm


I'm Peccas in the forums and in game. I really enjoy bounty hunting and exploration. I actually love the idea of PvP, but the amount of seal clubbing in the game really takes the wind out of my sails. Its extremely frustrating to be trying to figure out how to engineer a ship only to be ganked by someone who thinks that their adding an element to the game, when in actuality all they're doing is keeping newer players from getting what they need to be competitive.

Ultimately once my skills and ship are up to it I want to return to open with a group of like minded CMDRs to create a "player police force" of sorts to monitor high traffic systems to keep the griefers busy. I don't know how realistic of an idea that is though.

Right now I'm just cruising around in a Cobra saving up for a Krait :D

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CMDR: c4t4ly5t
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby c4t4ly5t » Thu May 21, 2020 11:29 am

The galaxy needs more people like you. Welcome.

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CMDR: Kaltuna
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Kaltuna » Sat May 23, 2020 12:15 am

Hello everybody, this Is Cmdr Kaltuna.
Real name Is Leonardo, I am 45 y.o. and I live in Italy.
I fell in love with Elite the First Time I docked in a space station and I have bene trying all aspects of the game. I like pvp as well when It adds something to the game like piracy, Power play or even Wars between minor factions. I can't stand senseless ganking and that"s why I player mostly in solo. Hope this Will change soon now that I found this group thanks to a post of Cmdr Burr.

I Will see you all in the black Commanders!


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CMDR: Quigster
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Quigster » Sat May 23, 2020 7:50 pm

Howdy everyone,

First name is Darrell, go by Quigster on most games and on-line sites. I am a retired, gray-haired, bifocal wearing old-timer from the USA, East Texas to be more specific. I retired after nearly 40 years in health care, working as a paramedic, nurse and then a mid-level practitioner. I have a wonderful wife who is also retired, a couple full grown kids, and some grandchildren.

Just downloaded Elite Dangerous a few days ago and getting my feet wet in the starting area. The PVE nature of this group appealed to me as I rather despise PVP, and outright detest Gankers and Griefers. My approach to computer games in particular, and most games in general, is that games are for relaxation and a pleasant distraction from the daily stresses of life. Because I tend to focus on the non-combat component of most games, my combat skills (flying in the case of this game) are very poor. So far my time in ED has been in solo mode; both because of my desire to avoid hostile activity and also because my internet connection is so poor I would probably do better with two cans and a string.

I did fill out the application for the group, choosing the America's "branch". I read the question about the Mobius faction, but marked it no as I did not really understand what that was about. I am usually in-game early morning (4-5am till about 7am) or evening (6pm till about 8pm) my local time (USA central time, GMT -5). I own a few acres of land and the upkeep around here keeps me pretty busy during the day.

Kind regards....


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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby CRIMSONARIES » Tue May 26, 2020 5:29 pm

Hi all! I'm CrimsonAries. I've owned the game since beta but haven't played all that much. I was flying with a Felicia Winters group a long time ago. I found out about Mobius so I decided to join. So far my group request has not been accepted. Maybe I needed to introduce myself first. So, just in here playing by myself for the time being. I recently learned how to deep core mine which is pretty interesting. I own a Dolphin, Fer De Lance, Type 7, Krait MK II, and a Sidewinder. I have a little green livery for my exhaust and guns. :)

Looking forward to being accepted into Mobius...kind of lonely out here in space.

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CMDR: dreampage
CMDR_Platform: XBOX

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby dreampage » Fri May 29, 2020 9:45 am

Hello CMDRs,

I'm CMDR dreampage, playing Elite Dangerous since the first day (June 15, 2015) on Xbox One. Regarding factions I am completely independent, always going where an opportunity arises, or where my heart takes me. With the exception of PvP I have been involved in all kinds of activities and I still like to mix things up. My fleet consists of 14 ships at the moment with all kinds of roles, so I'm not specialized for any kind of activities or missions. Perhaps my favourite is exploration but this always changes with time.

I chose PvE and the Mobius group because I don't support Open Play's "free for all" mentality. I do like to meet and contact other players and strangers, but without the danger of PvP, regardless if I'm prepared to fight or not. I believe in cooperation and not in the destruction of each other. As far as I experienced Mobius is the best way to play in this style.

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you somewhere in the galaxy. Fly safe! o7

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CMDR: Thrudski
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Thrudski » Sat May 30, 2020 9:38 am

Hello fellow Commanders

CMDR Thrudski in game and just plain old Thrudski here :)

Currently schlepping cargo to get the creds to finish outfiting my AspX to A rate before heading back out beyond the bubble

Dont have any of the DLC so just playing vanilla

Looking forward to seeing you out in the black

Fly Safe

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Beefcan » Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:45 am

Hey all. CMDR Beefcan here. I’m new to ED and came across this group while reading various resources on how to get started.

I like to take my time to learn and explore so a PvE group sounded like a great idea. Hope to see you all out in the black!

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CMDR: Yaerav
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby yaerav » Thu Jun 04, 2020 1:57 pm

Hi all!

Just started playing ED again. Or, well, possibly forget about "again", somehow I never really got around to it, I was added to the Mobius private group years and years ago though (or added myself? No idea, really), party because a couple of friends also already played in it, partly because playing with other players suits my style and preference much better than playing against. In EVE online I used to lose sleep over even the notion of being responsible for another player not having a good time... which rarely was more than a hypothetical, honestly: fortunately for everyone but me, I kind of suck at that MMO.

Who knows, I might yet get the hang of ED though. I first started played Elite in 1985, on the C64, and it became a really big part of my life, I still have a big binder with ships logs and a fictional pilots diary somewhere, and after playing for however many hours I would be literally so drenched that in the evening I would not be allowed at the dinner table before taking a shower. Had a t-shirt that I only wore when playing. With, yes, and of course, decals! Never got past the rank of Deadly, though, partly because, well, if there's just 3 missions in the whole game, one will have to restart, occasionally, and I don't think I had the patience to grind those last 4000 kills. Still... it is one minor regret of my youth that somehow, it feels, still needs correcting.

Never really got into Frontier and FFE, the Newtonian physics were... meh. But I did play a fair bit of Oolite, and happily joined the choir that kept harping on about the neeeeeeed for there to be an Elite 4 someday, you know, when all that we had was a teaser picture of one pilot, and nothing else... for years and years and years. Never really expected it to actually happen though, so, high props to Braben!

Currently, my base of operations is Aulin Enterprise, and I am having a lot of fun learing the basics! Should you be in that neighbourhood and find me online and would like a Mostly Harmless middle-aged derp to join you in a wing, do drop me a line!

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CMDR: Durbinator
CMDR_Platform: None Specified

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby nthue63 » Sat Jun 13, 2020 8:50 pm

HI I am cdr Durbinator been playing since 2015 was a member about 2 years ago just got back in the game a few days ago. I am retired us navy and live in Tennesee USA.

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