Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR: Ettanin
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Ettanin » Tue Nov 13, 2018 12:09 am


I've heard about Elite: Dangerous through a friend (not on Mobius), but forced PvP (I hate PvP) made me hesitate. Then I found this group and thought - if I manage to learn the game, I might give an MMO-sized PvE group a try.

I'm from Germany.

Already applied to Mobius PvE Eurasia.

It'd be nice to make more friends :)

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CMDR: ninjaxenomorph
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Ninjaxenomorph » Wed Nov 14, 2018 10:56 pm

Hey everyone. I'm Ninjaxenomorph. I've had ED for a while now, but I only started playing it a few weeks ago when I got a flight stick/HOTAS. I've been having fun, but that shriveled up when I was targeted by a griefer. Now, if someone has a reason for targeting me (piracy, bounty hunting, etc), I can get that. That makes sense to me. But I don't like my time being wasted by toxic jerks, I have better things to do. I started playing ED to kill thargoids and be a space trucker, and slinking around to not get smeared across space by someone with a few frag cannons and time to kill.

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CMDR: mischmasch09
CMDR_Platform: XBOX

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby mischmasch09 » Fri Nov 16, 2018 8:41 pm

Hi everyone! This is Cmdr. mischmasch09
from Germany.
Today I found this possibility to play Elite Dangerous in a cooperative and civilised manner.
Till now I have played some 150 hrs and all in solo except one try in open where I was killed eventually by a random griefer...after that I learned the purpose of the insurance...
Lifetime is too precious to start over and over again in a game which is as big as the milky way...
Therefore I'm out to the stars to explore the far ends and the center of the galaxy, finding some friends to go onto journeys together or just to some serious hauling across the stars...

I'm looking forward to make some 'human contacts' in the vast emptiness out there...

Greetings from the surface of Mombaluma ABC 2 B, where a little commander is loading his Cobra MkIII
with some Cargo Containers salvaged from a crash site

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CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Worminator » Sat Nov 17, 2018 9:45 am

Hey all, Worminator in here and CMDR GreyingWorm in ED, feel free to add me, over 1500hrs game-play and just fancied playing in a group where you could come across another commander without worrying if he/she was going to destroy you, I may go into open from time to time as I have in game friends who only play in open, but mainly I'll be here

I'm double Elite and working on combat to make it triple (taking a while!!!)

Fly safe o7

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CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby E.Tea » Sat Nov 17, 2018 10:33 am

Hello all!

Reading some intro's above, I can see that some have had a bad experience in Open Play. It is a pity that such players spoil the game for others, but it seems that Mobius has provided a solution by creating a Private Group where Commanders behave as we might have hoped everyone would have. I have been playing Solo for over a year, but I would like to learn how all the teamwork tools in the game work, and why there are so many. I have not joined and factions, as simply being independent has paid better. Becoming an Ally to many factions in the same station provides many more missions, and increases safety within the area of influence of those factions. As for PowerPlay, it seems like gang warfare in The Bubble ... which I why I like Colonia so much. However ... Multicrew looks like fun, and I could share my knowledge with new Commanders. Wings definitely would be an advantage for high risk/reward missions, and also to combine tools between multiple ships when a single ship simply cannot accommodate all that are necessary. Now, Squadrons are going to introduce yet another level of team play.

So ... I am looking to learn all that I can in a safe environment with like minded Commanders.

Stay safe out there!

Cdr E.Tea

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CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Melocoop » Mon Nov 19, 2018 1:02 am

Hello All,
CMDR FOLTA here and would like to say hello. I have been playing Elite Dangerous for a few month now. I played the orginal game and had no clue that it had evolved. I have only played in solo mode and have not not had very much CMDR interaction as I am still learning again. I heard about your group while watching an a few training videos and thought i would reach out. I have been mostly focused on Exploration, but would like to enjoy more public interaction. Thank you for the opportunity of being in your ranks

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CMDR: Tarkas Khan
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby yzfanimal » Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:00 am


I am Tarkus Khan in game. I am new to Elite Dangerous. I played EVE several years ago and enjoyed most aspects of it, but always craved a 'first person' experience. I also have a small investment in Star Citizen but have been disappointed in the slow development...promising it all but delivering on little and being designed as a wallet drain...Some friends recommended this game and particularly Mobius so here I am to give it a go. Hope to see you online.


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CMDR: Cookiemnster41
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Greetings and Salutations!

Postby cookiemnster41 » Mon Nov 19, 2018 11:44 pm

Hello everyone. I'm Greg, CMDR Cookiemnster on pc, CMDR Cookiemnster41 on ps4. I've been playing Elite now for just under a year. I usually play on the console, but have been working on my pc account as its sorely lacking. I've gathered quite a group of gamers on the ps4 but have yet to find any friends on the pc, so I've applied and been accepted to what I have been told is the most active and largest elite group in the galaxy, feel free to add me, I'm up for just about anything in game except pvp, not my cup of tea. Thanks again for the add and we'll see you all out in the black.


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CMDR: Willburd
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby WILLBURD » Tue Nov 20, 2018 5:16 pm

Commander Willburd reporting. I'm playing elite on a PC, since summer. It's a pleasure to fly with you Commanders, see you in the stars.

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CMDR: Miriya Sterling
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby DaffyRoth » Tue Nov 20, 2018 6:11 pm

Pilot Miriya Sterling reporting!

I don't feel I have earned the CMDR tag yet, but I wanna get out there and prove myself. Looking forward to playing with you all!

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