Crime & punishment rant!

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Crime & punishment rant!

Postby Jeffers2112 » Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:01 pm

I still think that the c & p system is rubbish.

1st example.
I'm doing a planetary scan job for Lavigny's Legion which involves one of their own depots. I get there, the turrets etc are showing green as allied. Yet as soon as I've scanned the data point I get slapped with a trespass fee and attacked. I go back to the mission giver, where I'm now showing as wanted. So I sneak into the station (i.e. boost through the slot!) expecting to be able to pay the fine. But no, I get transported 90-odd light years to a detention centre where they deduct my 400CR and let me go on my way. Which is back to collect my reward for the mission....
2nd example.
Attacked by a pirate on my way to complete a mission. He's in a 'Conda, so am I so we're fairly evenly matched. I'm getting the better of him, his hull is down to 5% when the authorities arrive to "help". While I'm finishing him off one of the cops runs in front of my weapons (all turrets or gimbles) and so I get a 400CR fine for assault. The pirate blows up, I'm given a 200-odd k bounty to collect but then the cops all turn on me. There are about five of them and I've no time to run, it's the rebuy screen! So I re-appear in a detention centre again where they take my fine (400CR!!!) and an 18 million-odd rebuy.
Worse than that I've now lost my cargo. It's Palladium but, of course, they don't want any old Palladium, they want the stuff they gave me at the issuing station. So I have to fail the mission with a 2 and a half million fine. So net cost over 20 million for a 400 credit fine, it's absurd!

OK, rant over...... I feel better for that. ;)

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Re: Crime & punishment rant!

Postby ARIC'THEBEARD » Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:06 am

Yeah, I agree with you. All for a 400cr bounty is pretty insane. I posted about this same thing awhile back.

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