Double PSA: Skimmer Rain of Death and Return of the Material Mission Reward Roulette

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Double PSA: Skimmer Rain of Death and Return of the Material Mission Reward Roulette

Postby Cometborne » Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:49 pm

There are currently two nasty bugs that were introduced in 2.3.10 and the recent hotfixes.

1) Skimmer Rain of Death
At the moment, skimmers (and goliaths, for that matter) guarding planetary ports and settlements spawn several km up in the air and then fall down as soon as you get close enough to a planetary port to trigger their spawn. If you get hit by them while you are in a small ship, your ship is instantly destroyed. If you are in a large well-shielded ship, you might survive the skimmer impact, but this will turn the port hostile, and your ship will be destroyed by its defences. This also happens if you are using a DC. Since skimmers do not show up on radar, there is no warning.

Recommendation is to stay away from planetary bases until this bug is fixed. If you get killed, open a support ticket to get a refund etc.

Bug report thread

2) Return of the Material Mission Reward Roulette
There was a bug in 2.2 that prevented very rare materials such as exquisite focus crystals (needed for g5 distributors) and biotech conductors (needed for g5 long range) from showing up as mission rewards, which was a showstopper for several engineering blueprints because these materials are only available as mission rewards. The 'official' cause was "mission generator optimizations".

In early 2.3, this was fixed, but for the first week or so, this introduced another bug where the material rewards changed as soon as you accepted the mission. If you finally found a mission for your efc or cracked industrial firmware, the material reward suddenly changed to conductive components or other low-value stuff after accepting it.

The patch notes for 2.3.10 mention "mission board optimizations". And these re-introduced the first bug, no more EFC&friends as mission rewards.

The latest hotfix restored EFC&friends as mission rewards, and the roulette bug.

There is currently no workaround, you will have to keep accepting missions and hope that RNG Jesus is with you.

Bug report thread
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