Elite: Dangerous Is A Good Game [Rant]

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Elite: Dangerous Is A Good Game [Rant]

Postby Avago-Earo » Wed Dec 24, 2014 5:58 am

Time of posting this, 05:25am. Been playing since about 00:00am

Went out with friends for crimbo pub time. Got home and spoke to my neighbours (I live in a block of flats). I get on fine (mostly ;) ) with my neighbours and have got to know them over the years. The only gaming connection I've had with them is playing Tiger Woods golf on the PS3 whilst we had a drink and played cards. Other than that the only sport was kicking a ball in the park or fighting in the ring. Honestly. Please bear with me, I will get to the point. The neighbours dog (cute little schnauser ) is in my flat looking at me. So I knock on my neighbours door 'your dog sneaked in to my flat' etc. After a chat some people come to mine, dog included. So of course they see my HOTAS set up and ask questions. I explain about ED and they want to know more.

It's at this point when I worry about the negative posts on the official forums but anyway I run the game on the tutorials and invite anyone to have a go. They are gob smacked. One guy about my age mentioned Elite on the BBC. So they are really getting into it. After explaining to them about not expecting too much I put the game online.

I do a bit of trading and someone notices that I have a pair of red/cyan glasses so I put the game on anaglyph mode and let everyone have a go.

They loved it. I explained that the game takes time but that didn't matter. They got straight into it. It didn't matter that the graphics became monochrome, sort of, the illusion of space was there. And they loved it. One friend said he's glad he didn't get a PS4 and is now interested in PC.

Not once did anyone find Super Cruise boring. They were just amazed with Elite: Dangerous.

And so endeth my rant.

Happy xmas

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