17 Draconis

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Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Jul 23, 2016 2:10 am
CMDR: IndigoWyrd
CMDR_Platform: None Specified

17 Draconis

Postby IndigoWyrd » Mon Feb 20, 2017 2:19 pm

A few of you know me, some have fought alongside me, and if you spend any time at 17 Draconis, you'll like see me coming, going or blowing up ships for whatever faction I happen to be backing at the moment.

I don't spend all my time at 17 Draconis, usually not more than a day or two at a time there, and I'm usually not alone, though sometimes I do venture out on my own. Feel free to invite me to a wing, or ask to join me - I welcome the company.

I can say that on a few occasions I have come under attack by other commanders - one was kind enough to follow me back to the station and offer cargo to help offset my damages - which really didn't amount to much, but the gesture was appreciated.
Another simply fired and did not respond to comms. And not just once or even twice.

I'm not going to return fire, I'll simply leave, which I did. Further attacks and I simply go solo to finish, or into a separate private group to finish.

Most recently, with a fair sized wing, we may have fired on someone - and if we did, I do apologize. I don't believe any ships were lost - but having been on the receiving end, I know it can be quite a surprise to find yourself receiving live-fire. I did speak briefly with this commander to indicate any live fire was unintentional but I did not receive any response.

I felt it only appropriate to clear the air.

I do not intentionally engage live commanders and if I do happen to spray someone, you weren't my intended target - so absolutely say something to me - voice or comms.

Fly safe commanders!

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