[CLOSED] Community goals question - got oneshotted by another player

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[CLOSED] Community goals question - got oneshotted by another player

Postby roamcel » Mon Apr 24, 2023 8:03 am

it's a few years I'm part of this group, solely and exclusively to avoid the pvp aspect of the game, which I find utter trash. Never had problems with other players.
But I wanted to participate in the ongoing community event, and so I logged to the pve group and went to a low conflict zone near tiptree port. There were a couple of players in my side of the faction and none in the other, so I started shooting npcs with the two other players. After a couple of minutes though I got basically oneshotted by one "dark adam", who jumped in while i was fighting and i didn't see him, or was flying silently, (i was flying my pve clipper). The point is though, that I don't see this pathetic pos among mobius members.

So my question is: are community events exceptions to the "pve" rule? Or the community event instances public, regardless of the private group? My clipper and cutter are non engineered trashcans that are miserable even for pve, so they're free credits in pvp, which means i'll have to play this thing solo.

Last edited by Saberius on Sat May 06, 2023 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Pilot was not in a PG - Logs show Pilot was in Open 15 minutes prior to ship destruction, then switched to Solo.

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Re: Community goals question - got oneshotted by another player

Postby Rayman » Sat Apr 29, 2023 9:52 am

When it comes to community goals where we fight in conflict zones, we don't attack each other when one cmdr is on the side of another faction. For example, you are on the feds side and another is on the imps side. In this situation pve still applies, and the ban on pvp. Sometimes it will happen that someone will attack you, I had a few situations where someone attacked me and then apologized because he didn't pay attention to the hole square icon in the mini map in the cockpit.

Are you sure you were in private group when that happend or not? If yes, report it immediately. I don't know who deals with this matter, when someone breaks the rules, a video recording would certainly help a lot to punish troublemakers.

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Re: Community goals question - got oneshotted by another player

Postby Saberius » Sun Apr 30, 2023 1:21 am

Hi there,

Which PC group are in you exactly?

Shooting another human player in any way, is PvP and is frowned upon in ANY of the Mobius groups.
If you were attacked/killed, email admin@elitepve.com with screenshots, history, logs etc
There are no exceptions, the rules were amended to include CG's and other activities. There is no excuse to shoot at another player at all in the groups. If you need to PvP go to open or another group that promotes that level of 'competition', just not in any of the Mobius private groups.

However, I only have control of the 'MOBIUS PVE', 'MOBIUS PVE EURASIA', 'MOBIUS PVE AMERICA' and 'MOBIUS FACTIONS' memberships.
It should be noted that the original MOBIUS group is privately owned and I do not have control over it at all.

As a side note, if you happen to be in the legacy MOBIUS group, fill in a form (that we have over the past few years, sent out announcements, notices and gentle prods to join the 'newish' EURASIA and AMERICAS group where all the 'current' activity is), there is no way we can migrate users without having to manually type in all your names, sadly.

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