Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby stummies » Thu Jun 25, 2015 4:22 pm

I can usually get a decent spawn in the Fusang system. The majority of spawns will be small, but a few resets I'll get a large spawn. I'm rank 2 with Hudson so I get a 40% (unless he dropped in ranking again) bonus to bounties, with a large ship spawn I can easily rake in 5-10 million an hour. The trick though is getting the large spawn. I've had a few times where I reset a dozen or two times and still didn't get a single big ship.

Resetting isn't fun.

It's really not hard to maintain rank 2 either, every week I fly to a hostile system, interdict and destroy a few supply ships for 15 merits each... only need to destroy a few ships a week to maintain. My bounties are almost gone now too, I do a different system each week.

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Vences » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:08 pm


Planet 1 has one High Res, two Low Res and a normal one (24.1 ls away the closest). Other Planets might have more RES.

Zhen Dock, High Tech, 15 ships.

Federation, not controlled

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Vences » Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:34 pm


Bhutas A 2 has 3 High Res and one normal at 23 ls away. Several Combat Zones atm too.

Feynman Terminal, High Tech, 13 ships.

Federation, not controlled.

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Vences » Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:31 pm


Laedla 4 does have a High Res and 2 low intensity RES. An outpost is 6 ls away. Laedla 5 might have more RES.

System is rather interesting as it is Extraction and Extraction. There are three spaceports, one an orbis or ocellus.

Empire. Zemina Torval control.

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby robfm81 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:40 pm

Flip wrote:High intensity does make a difference. You have more pirates in wings (like a Clipper with 2 Couriers, or 3 Adders, a Python and 2 Vipers, etc), more simultaneous spawns, and more chances to have big ships. But then it can vary a lot. And it seems that now you have to give them some time. Two days ago I was in an instance that started slow, and after half an hour, it turned into a continuous stream of big high-ranked ships and the cops brought 5 Condas to make my job even easier.

I got the same with 4 cop condas - just followed them and hit the target a few times while they took all the damage.

was gutted when i had to go to bed before todays 13 hour shift - still at work so we'll see again tonight.

If you want to survive out here, you've got to know where your towel is.

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Dudley » Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:03 pm

stummies wrote:I can usually get a decent spawn in the Fusang system. The majority of spawns will be small, but a few resets I'll get a large spawn. I'm rank 2 with Hudson so I get a 40% (unless he dropped in ranking again) bonus to bounties, with a large ship spawn I can easily rake in 5-10 million an hour. The trick though is getting the large spawn. I've had a few times where I reset a dozen or two times and still didn't get a single big ship.

Resetting isn't fun.

It's really not hard to maintain rank 2 either, every week I fly to a hostile system, interdict and destroy a few supply ships for 15 merits each... only need to destroy a few ships a week to maintain. My bounties are almost gone now too, I do a different system each week.

Thought I'd give Fusang a go... Made Expert and 3 mill - Stummies... I owe ya.. Best RES I've ever been in and I was only in the standard RES not the high int one. :D
As a tribute to Tor, my CMDR has small feet too! o7 Dawg

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Shadowed » Mon Jun 29, 2015 7:38 pm

I've been having excellent luck getting a good RES spawn. It usually only takes 2-3 resets before I encounter a large wanted ship.

Some random suggestions:

- Fly around and look for yellow smoke trails, and multiple smoke trails. Imagine being in a ~25km bubble, with the RES right in the center. The wanted ships often spawn in open space, far far away from any asteroid. Having a fast ship (400+ m/s) will tremendously help to encounter large wanted ships. Having a good patrol pattern doesn't hurt either. Patient CMDRs will have great success here. I wish I had more patience :P

- A Class Sensors. Space is big.

- If you see a wanted Clipper/Dropship/Python/Anaconda (soon) right away after arriving, it usually means a good spawn.

-If you see a wanted Sidewinder/Eagle/Viper/Cobra/Courier/Diamondback right away and are not encountering any large wanted ships within a few minutes of exploring; reset. Patient CMDR's will often be rewarded if they stick around. Again, I am not patient.

-If you have terrible luck and cannot find any large ships, try killing enough of the smaller ones to become Hostile with a particular pirate faction. Hit squads with potentially larger ships will be inbound. If you feel like you have to do this, make sure it's in a system that you won't mind calling Home for awhile. The more hostile a faction becomes, the better. Combining this strategy at a good RES can make a cmdr very wealthy in a short amount of time.

-Brute force; quit to menu and rejoin over and over until you see a large wanted ship on your radar or in direct sight.
CMDR Flip Martin is right about being patient; as many 'slow' RES can easily turn into a warzone! I'm not a patient man, especially when Flying Under the Influence, so I will often brute force my way to get a good spawn. I noticed it often took up to ~10 attempts when I first arrived at Ross 467 (or any new system). Now that I have a pirate faction hostile to me, a wanted dropship/clipper/python will always seem to be looking for me. I first started noticing this when I was farming in Iota Persei back at the start of April. Impatient CMDRs will be rewarded, but having a hostile faction definitely help spawns.

@Vences - I am not going to add any systems that are too many ls from the station to RES. I did add Laedla. The reasoning behind this is:

- Too many systems with an RES to possibly keep track of realistically.
- When leaving an RES wanted, damaged, out of ammo, etc, the real danger becomes the gap from RES to the station. Having the RES 0.1 ls or less means you are more likely to survive and cash in your bounties.
- Spending lots of time RES farming means you will be spending a lot of time in supercruise. When the station is say ~18 Mm from RES, it saves a significant amount of time.

I'm sorry if I haven't been clear enough :(

Currently we have 2 choices for bounty oriented commanders; Hudson, or Lavigny Duval. They both are essentially the same. If we all split up ourselves, we could lose both of these Powers over time. I'm almost tempted to leave Duval and go with Hudson as the majority of systems on the OP are near his territories.

My original goal was to find a great RES farm near the old worlds. This is so there would be an Alliance, Federation, and Imperial systems nearby for cashing in bounties. With PowerPlay, this means that it is still possible, but a CMDR could be flying in Hostile space! Should we drop Lavigny-Duval and go all in with Hudson?

I do like Robert Patrick, but I'm rather creeped that he is trying to rule the galaxy being nearly 1400 years old and all. Is it a possibility that Skynet has evolved to Galnet? I don't see Arissa Lavigny-Duval as a secret Terminator... :?

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby Kaizo » Mon Jul 06, 2015 1:44 pm

I have had quite bad luck when it comes to res farming....I rarely see a string of ships, let alone good ones. And lately I make good cr doing conflict zones in ALD territory but I have to back to base often being in a python. Do you all group up often?

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Re: Need more CMDRs at RES Farm!

Postby JohnLuke » Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:09 pm

Kaizo wrote:I have had quite bad luck when it comes to res farming....I rarely see a string of ships, let alone good ones. And lately I make good cr doing conflict zones in ALD territory but I have to back to base often being in a python. Do you all group up often?

I pledged to ALD last weekend. I am usually up for some wing BH in RES or hitting up a crime scene. Feel free to add me to your in-game friends list.

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