Going for a wander

Explorer Exchange
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Going for a wander

Postby Gingerbloke » Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:25 am

Ive just set off on my next expedition, and feeling very excited about it. Previously ive only gotten about 9 Kly towards Sag A before real life intervened, this time im hoping for a little more. Im not following Distant Worlds, figuring if they've gone that way, itll be quieter everywhere else! (No offence guys and girls!)

Im heading off up the Orion spur, having just passed the Sadr Nebula, once i follow this into the core, itll be a choice of Sag A, or the 65Kly club. Im not intending to do too many surface landings, having had two disasters already, first a bug meant i couldnt recall my ship, and second incompetence crashed me into a 2G planet, causing my hull to drop to 77%. Both on the first day.....

Does anyone have any advice on interesting spots to aim for on the journey?

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Re: Going for a wander

Postby JohnLuke » Thu Jan 28, 2016 11:04 pm

Have fun on your journey! I recommend taking your time, scanning what you want to, and moving along as you see fit. Obviously Sag A is a tourist attraction, as is The Great Annihilator. The neutron fields are fun to work through, and can make you some decent exploration data dough. $$ Other than that.... seek out Earth likes and water worlds. :)

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