CMDR Mars Yurip

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
Ghost Giraffe
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:40 pm
CMDR: Mars Yurip
CMDR_Platform: None Specified

CMDR Mars Yurip

Postby Ghost Giraffe » Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:27 pm

Hello everybody!
I was RPing as a space cop scanning people outside a station and met a CMDR who told me about this group and said I should join.
I hope to meet some of you out there to do some collaborative play if any of you would like that. Currently my buddies and I make silly videos about being Cruise Line pilots, space cops, and any other weird thing we think of.
I mainly play for the love of exploration (within bubble) and making up new games in the game itself.
If any of you need a new teammate for a game you made hit me up!

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CMDR: JohnLuke
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

Re: CMDR Mars Yurip

Postby JohnLuke » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:38 pm

Welcome to Mobius, Commander Mars Yurip.

If you are interested in trying a different location and bumping into some other humans, a lot of Mobius commanders hang around our home system of Azrael in Empire space.

Please feel free to add your name to the In game friends list thread, and check out our TeamSpeak servers to easily chat with, and possibly wing up with other commanders.

Also, make sure to check the Policy page if you haven't already.

On top of all of that, we also have a Facebook group and Twitter feed.

There is a lot of great info on the message board, and we have compiled a long list of Tips and Tricks to help new players acclimatize to the game while having fun.

Finally, if you are interested in being involved, go here to see information about our player group faction, the Order of Mobius. We have our own Discord (voice and text chat) servers for supporters of Mobius, as well as our own Order of Mobius Twitter feed.

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Ghost Giraffe
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Apr 13, 2016 7:40 pm
CMDR: Mars Yurip
CMDR_Platform: None Specified

Re: CMDR Mars Yurip

Postby Ghost Giraffe » Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:59 pm

Fantastic! I'm empire as well. And looks like we are same faction you and I:)
Hope to see you all soon!

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