I guess you could say I am an older gamer, I first played Elite on a BBC Micro back in 1984 (this should give some indication of age), then on the Amiga in the '90s. As time when on I played a LOT of Eve Online and even ended up working for the developer and still reside in the country of it's origin to this day.
Back to Elite, I dabbled with ED on and off for several years without much success, this changed greatly after purchasing a HOTAS and I never looked back. That said, ED had (and still has) a huge learning curve and even now I find some of it baffling. I'd not really considered group play at all and have played in solo exclusively until I discovered Mobius. I am currently working towards the Federal Corvette having accrued the Type 10 "Porcupine", a Python Taxi/Hauler and my favourite, the Krait Phantom which I have set up and engineered for vanishing into the black for exploration. Still puzzling over that FSD booster though....

I am hoping to both learn more about the game and also contribute to the group as I learn more. I prefer the pure PVE side of things so as to not having to deal with being ganked at every turn. I have been on both sides of that coin in "the other game".
Thanks again for reading and I hope to see you all ingame soon.
Dassvidanja o7