Cmdr Drubay ready to go

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Cmdr Drubay ready to go

Postby Drubay » Tue Feb 14, 2023 2:36 am

Hey everyone, Cmdr Drubay here (Same name IG)

I've been playing Elite On and off since 2015 or 16, have over 1000hrs (according to steam) and am still not really good at anything but enjoy all that this game has to offer.

I love pretty much everything in the galaxy and how all you do can affect it. I prefer to do combat related stuff but I have tried it all and still enjoy the other aspects. Made my first few hundred millions with mining, travelled to Sag A with a terribly fitted ASP before engineers and was the first to discover a few hundred places. I'm only missing 3 ships from owning all of them at least once and have a few fully engineered ones. Made a few billions from all of the different things but mostly from fighting Thargoids (And yes I died a lot, I'm terrible at ot but enjoy it lol). My next big step after is to gather enough for a carrier and 2 years worth of credits to pay for it.

RL stuff:
I'm a soon to be retired 35yo man with a family and I am suffering from quite a few physical and mental disorders due to injuries in my line of work, so please don't try to force me to use voice comms. But if you see me around feel free to chat or invite me to a wing to go do something, I just don't like the voice thing. If I don't respond it may be because I walked away from my screen or I just can't handle social at that time, please don't be insulted.

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Morgan Bateson
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Re: Cmdr Drubay ready to go

Postby Morgan Bateson » Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:00 pm

Welcome fellow miner,

Been around since 2016 so about the same time as you. Except I try to stay away from combat and Thargoids...

Currently traveling to SagA* with friends using my carrier as base of operations.

Made enough money for the carrier doing mining when mining was good and Void Opals made 1,2M cr p/t

Been away for about 2 years, came back and took the carrier on a trip. Mining and exo biology made me 3 years of carrier funds quite easily.

I hear you on the social part of life. Hope to see you around, here or in our Discord.

"Captain, do you know what year this is?"
"Of course I do. It's 2278."

– Jean-Luc Picard and Morgan Bateson, 2368 ("Cause and Effect")

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Re: Cmdr Drubay ready to go

Postby GreenViper » Tue Feb 14, 2023 7:08 pm

Welcome Cmdr Drubay.
Hope to meet you in the Black one day !
- Cmdr GreenViper -

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