Please introduce yourself.

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR: Alkalja
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Alkalja » Mon Apr 04, 2016 5:51 pm


I took a 1 year break from playing Elite and came back about 1 week ago.
As I am from Germany (Berlin), English is not my native language so please excuse any mistakes I'll make.

Currently I'm flying an ASP Explorer and I am looking for new goals in the game.
I love exploring and I am very curious for what is upcoming next in terms of crafting.

Glad to be on board with you :)

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CMDR: Govanon
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Govanon » Mon Apr 04, 2016 7:19 pm

Hi everyone!

I'm Marcus Mortati, a 40yo, Historian, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Work in City Public Education Administration as public agent, former History teacher. In game, CMDR Govanon. I choose Mobius because i like focus in PVE.


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CMDR: Murrdox
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Murrdox » Tue Apr 05, 2016 1:50 pm

Hello all!

I'm from the US on the east coast. 35 year old manager of a computer support team. My first space-sim was the original X-Wing. Since then I migrated through Wing Commander, Privateer, Freespace, Freespace 2, and a bunch of other great titles in between. I was very excited when Elite Dangerous came out and there was finally a new space-sim game after Freespace 2. I've been playing since launch, with a break here and there.

Since coming back to the game a couple of months ago I mined in my Asp to finance my Python. In my Python I spent some time ranking up for Zack Hudson, bounty hunting, and trying to get my Federation Rank higher so that one day I'll be able to have that shiny corvette. For now, I'm concentrating on upgrading the Python and working my way towards an Anaconda.

One reason I wanted to join Mobius was Community Goals. I've had some fun doing them, but I've been needlessly attacked at several of them, which I was pretty disappointed by. So I'd like to be able to do Community Goals and not have to go into Solo mode to do so.

See you guys out there.

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CMDR: Moonbucket
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby moonbucket » Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:24 pm

Hi folks

CMDR Moonbucket, been playing for a couple of months in solo off and on when time allows. Over the Easter holiday period I've started getting properly invested in the game - got the horizons DLC and found a mate who plays too.

We realised after a long session last night that a lot of the fun in this game is playing and experiencing the game with other players. So I've signed up here as your group seems to be highly thought of in Elite PvE and I'm going to send a join request in-game in a mo. Seems a good time to find a group to enjoy this massive universe with. I'm an experienced, longer-in-the-tooth than I like to admit gamer (hint, started gaming on an Atari 2600)...:D

I'm only flying around in a modest Viper at the moment, about to grind some credits to get something a bit tastier and hope to see y'all in the 'verse soon if you'll have me.

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby gamadin » Sat Apr 09, 2016 6:44 pm

Hey guys, new pilot from outside Chicago. Long time fan of Frontier: Elite, but new to ED. I've been playing for about a week mostly trading, trying to figure out the daunting Power Play system now. Looking to do less solo play but was not having a good experience in open play. Glad to be a part of this group.


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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Xebeth » Sat Apr 09, 2016 9:21 pm

Greetings and welcome to Mobius, new Commanders

Please feel free to add your names to the In game friends list thread, and check out our TeamSpeak servers to easily chat with, and possibly wing up with other commanders.

Also, make sure to check the Policy page if you haven't already Image.

On top of all of that, we also have a Facebook group and Twitter feed.

There is a lot of great info on the message board, and we have compiled a long list of Tips and Tricks to help new players acclimatize to the game while having fun.

Finally, if you are interested in being involved, go here to see information about our player group faction, the Order of Mobius (based at Rafferty's Mobius station in the Azrael system). We have our own Discord (voice and text chat) servers for supporters of Mobius, as well as our own Order of Mobius Twitter feed.
Please make sure you have read the Mobius GroupPolicy

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby SNIPE » Mon Apr 11, 2016 2:30 pm

Hey all, new to Elite dangerous, been following it for a while and finally purchased it last year. Took a break and am back again after getting Horizons and am really enjoying the new additions.
The reason why I prefer PvE is I'm sick of the headaches that comes with PvP. From time to time I may PvP but only on rare occasions. I used to play many PvP games in the past and just feel I need a change of pace to take the time to enjoy my games. Am in Sydney, Australia, and am looking forward to possibly joining a wing to game with.

Currently been trading since getting the game, using a T6 at the moment, then onto bounty hunting in a DB scout (Love this ship). Just yesterday I planned to go exploring. Today I kitted out the T6 with SRV + luxury's and left on my journey and am currently over 500LY's outside the bubble in the cold blackness. First time exploring and enjoying it. I am also recording it as a captains log, just to be authentic.

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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby ChillinZX » Mon Apr 11, 2016 3:43 pm

Just came across this forum by a google search. I've been playing ED for about a year now, first ship I bought was an Adder, then Cobra, then Diamondback Explorer, then Vulture, then Fer-De-Lance, and now I'm in a Python. I've occasionally would rent (buy, then sell) a Type-6 before I bought the Python for community goals and trading. All ships I have enjoyed for different purposes, I would keep my FDL if the jump range was higher, other then that it was a fantastic ship. I use my Python to do pretty much a bit of everything, no need to 'rent' a T6 anymore, but I miss the speed of the FDL. I usually play alone, do my own thing, but I will wing up with other cmdr's if invited. I've only winged up twice and still new to the features of being winged, so far all I know is we share credits for things, don't know how the group jump works, I tried it but it cancelled for some reason. If you want to find me I'll be doing the community goals.

CMDR Badger Face
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby CMDR Badger Face » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:14 pm

Hello all, I'm looking forward to winging up with some folks for some bounty hunting or other pew pew activities. I really like the idea of this group, I heard about it from that eurogamer article.

Though it has it's critics, I think a pve only group like this is needed in the game. I have started doing a bit of pvp and it's fun and really exciting, however you need to be properly kitted out for it. If I've kitted my ship for some bounty hunting or trading then I know I don't stand a chance against a pvp loadout. It's just annoying being in that situation and being attacked for no reason.

Plus sometimes you just want to float around and chill without being shot at.

I am looking forward to being able to fly around with lots of other CMDR's without getting anxious and breaking a sweat!!!

Cheers guys

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Don Vito
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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Postby Don Vito » Mon Apr 11, 2016 10:45 pm

Discovered this forum this morning due to Elite: Dangerous facebook page interview with the founders.

I started playing this game in 1984 and destroyed more ships than you can imagine until I finally accrued the 400cr required to buy a docking computer, after that it was plain sailing, aside from being killed by pirates every time I dropped out of hyperspace.

I've been playing E: D for maybe a year, but things suck at my time, family, business, family business, so I am still not as far along as I'd like to be: Expert; Merchant; Trailblazer; Helpless.

I quickly got fed up of Open and found Solo too boring, so Googled "where can I play without griefers in Elite: Dangerous?" and found Mobius PVE (I'm US West Coast).

I didn't realise until today how many members there are, that there is a home system, a forum or anything else.

This evening I'll be heading over to Azrael in my Cobra MkIV in Black Friday livery, hope to see you there.
Leave the plasma accelerator, take the food cartridges.

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