Who Are The Very Active Pilots?

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Who Are The Very Active Pilots?

Postby Capricos » Fri Nov 09, 2018 3:00 am


I am Capricos. I've been in OoM for a while. I've been playing Elite since it launched. I've been trying to get transferred over into the Mobius PVE America, and Mobius Factions from the old Mobius PVE. I play a lot. I have 21 fully engineered ships. I'd really like to push the OoM minor faction.
I pretty much do everything in the game except pvp. A lot of trading, and a lot of blowing stuff up, and a lot of mining. Note: The Beluga is the perfect mining ship. Hit me up if you need help solving it's heat issues.
My question here is, and I don't care where you live in the world, who are the *real active players? I keep an odd schedule, but I play pretty much everyday. Sometimes I'm on for hours and and hours. I'm lucky if I bump into one person in Mobius PVE. My recent contacts tab tends to stay empty.
Not talking about folks that play occasionally, or a couple times a week for a few hours. Who are the total nerds like me? Let's get a list, so we know who is around. Yes, at times I prefer just to lonestar it. Other times, it's nice to get a wing going. I cherry pick the CG's, but I really like running missions to push the in-game minor faction.
So, if you play real often, just respond and throw your name up, and let's get some friends lists going. I tend to hang in Imperial territory because I like trading Imperial Servants. I won't call the Imp Slaves, as they are by their very description indentured servants. Frontier screwed that up.
Also, times change folks. Since we have had portraits introduced... o7 is a left-handed salute above your head. Yours, mine and everyone elses portrait is looking at you... <O. Right-handed, proper salute in coordination with the current visuals of the game.
It's silly flying alone and never seeing another soul in a group with 15000 members.

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Re: Who Are The Very Active Pilots?

Postby JohnLuke » Fri Nov 09, 2018 9:51 am

Hi Capricos.

Space is huge. Players are spread out all over the place, so a chance encounter is a rare beast.

I recommend heading over to our Discord server, and saying "Hi" to the guys. There's a #wingman_wanted channel there where you can find someone to wing with when you're on. Sometimes you'll find someone willing, sometimes not. At the very least, the chat conversations in #social gives you the opportunity to meet other Mobius E-D players and make friends to wing up with later.


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