Need help with adding to ingame Mobius group[s]

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Need help with adding to ingame Mobius group[s]

Postby __VAL__ » Sat Dec 24, 2022 8:52 am


I filled and sended Mobius player registration sheet. After this I received approving answer from administrator.
But I have one small problem:
Registration sheet does not contain a server selection - Live, Legacy or both.
I think that ingame group administrator send invitation request to me into Live game.
But I cant play in Live game because technical reasons.

Can I get an invitation to Mobius groups on the LEGACY server ?

Invitation request data:
CMDR Moon Starwalker
Registration sheet filled 15-Dec-2022
Membership and Invitation confirmations via email received 16-Dec-2022

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Re: Need help with adding to ingame Mobius group[s]

Postby Saberius » Tue Dec 27, 2022 10:17 pm

This is a new issue. It only seems to have happened recently as memberships was once for across all systems, and the admin team are unaware that Legacy and Live are now split (and it may only be as matter of time before Frontier disable and shut down the Legacy system, maybe)

However, your approval has been granted to the Legacy systems, and I hope you work out whichever technical glitches are affecting you playing Live.

Remember that the BGS in Legacy does not affect the BGS in Live, and most players are partaking in the Thargoid system states, but console players still use the Legacy BGS.

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