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Can someone help me calibrate the joystick?

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2020 7:34 pm
by Sirius Ryder
The standard controller for windows (updated driver from the joystick manufacturer) does not have the option to reset the X-Y axes.

Image 1 - Problem with the X axis.

Image 2 - If I press "Check" I am only accepting the current calibration, it does not do any reset.

What other ways are there to calibrate the joystick?

Re: Can someone help me calibrate the joystick?

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2020 9:06 pm
by dapprman
I would suggest uninstalling the controller software, rebooting, re-installing, rebooting, then trying again. Sounds like the issue may be there as the check option should have the software automatically applying correction to bring the pointer to the centre.