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Abnormal Compact Emissions Data

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 6:35 am
According to INARA:

The location to obtain Abnormal Compact Emissions Data, as well as Unexpected Emission Data, is USS (Unidentified Signal Source) or scanning combat ships.

I've been parked outside Carson and Metteucci (Deciat), which are supposed to have high populations, for the last hour and half, scanned a bunch of stuff, none of what I needed.

The question has been asked many times online, but only few complaints about the mechanics.

I'm assuming many of you guys here have fully engineered FSDs and thrusters. How did you obtain the needed data?


Re: Abnormal Compact Emissions Data

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:49 am
by Zetr0
Greetings Commander MOON-WATCHER -o7-

Tuthfully - and I am saddended to say - but I am sure that you are begining to see - the Engineering System of Elite, is some what borked in implementation aka - broken -

Because of this I Use Jamersons Crash Site and Cross Trade at an Encoded Materials Broker - it is by far the quickest method in getting what you need as Jamersons Crash site will have you full ( 100 units of material ) on Adapative Encryptors Capture ( Grade 5 Material ) after you do the Commander Session Shuffle ( about 10 - 12 reloggs ) as it drops like candy on halloween. you also get about 70 Atypical Encryption Archives ( Grade 4 material ) alongs side about 20 Modified Consumer Firmware (Grade 2) and 15 Cracked Industrial Firmware (Grade 3).

That repeating / re-logging of Jamersons Crash Site ( around 10-12 times ) will get you the above - you might need to repeat it once more or a couple less but thats about the average.

Why do we do this?

Well sadly FDev even in thier infinate wisdom realised that their Engineering system was massively broken with very low material payouts for everything, some simple didn't work due to the RNG-eesus - so they -

1. Made every drop worth 3 of that component
2. Intrducing Material Traders ( with a 6-1 tax on transfering the same grade within material sets )
3. Made it incremental rolls *up* for upgrades
( it used to be random - even the negative effects ) techncally its still a radom up ;)

So yes, you can scan for Wake Data - but it will take some time - however a trip to Jamersons Crash Site - you can be full up on 100 G5 Materials in about 20 minutes and cross trade them for what you need.

A few weeks back I harvested the Data from Jamersons Crash Site with a Commanders Session Shuffle of over 270 Re-Loggs ( over 3 play sessions - yeah i made notes ) this equates to about 25 trips to Ray Gateway in the Diaguandri System and Back so I can cross trade the Materials for other Encoded Data - basically so I don't have to stop what I am doing - switch gears and then have to do little runs to engineer my ships - then swap back etc etc.

However this did take a toll, as one might imagine - I can not stand the DBX anymore - so I spent $100m and bought the Phantom + Outfitting, Had to take a couple of days off and then when I returned I anything Engineering made me sad so I ended up going core mining for a week with a friend whom has a Fleet Carrier jumping 450 Light ywars from the Bubble - its kinda like fishing - but with high explosives as bait ;) - A much needed sebatical.

I think at times, with one's Elite career - it matters how you do something as much as what you do.

I hope that helps commander -o7-

Re: Abnormal Compact Emissions Data

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 8:01 pm
Zetr0 wrote:Greetings Commander MOON-WATCHER -o7-

I think at times, with one's Elite career - it matters how you do something as much as what you do.

I hope that helps commander -o7-

Greetings CMDR!

Fine work as usual Sir. Thank you.