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I need help building a new ship for trading

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:45 pm
by Sirius Ryder
After a few weeks of exploration on the void with my faithful ASP Explorer I am now returning to the bubble with a slightly heavier wallet and I am thinking of buying a new ship to do board missions a trading inside the bubble.
The ship I'm going to buy will be a Python.
I will not use the ship for PVE, but I will certainly be interdicted several times whenever I transport valuable cargo.
My question is: What is a good configuration that maintains a good load capacity and allows to escape pirate attacks?
Is it necessary to be equipped with hardpoints or is a good shield enough?

For example this configuration: ... kICMF8hRFA
What do you think should change?

Re: I need help building a new ship for trading

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2020 7:05 pm
by GreenViper
Hello CMDR, here's my dedicated Cargo haul Python (ex BH):

Hardpoints is up to your preference, but I stopped bothering with NPC pirates; when I want to do some shooting I go to a HazRes or CZ.
When interdicted, I submit, give it a couple of boosts and low wake away to my destination...
My shield/booster combination allows for hits without nearly any effect...

I can also go for the mini game if I want to... easy peasy manoeuvring out of it with this ship also...

Re: I need help building a new ship for trading

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2021 7:03 pm
by thinder
Sirius Ryder wrote:After a few weeks of exploration on the void with my faithful ASP Explorer I am now returning to the bubble with a slightly heavier wallet and I am thinking of buying a new ship to do board missions a trading inside the bubble.
The ship I'm going to buy will be a Python.
I will not use the ship for PVE, but I will certainly be interdicted several times whenever I transport valuable cargo.
My question is: What is a good configuration that maintains a good load capacity and allows to escape pirate attacks?
Is it necessary to be equipped with hardpoints or is a good shield enough?

For example this configuration: ... kICMF8hRFA
What do you think should change?

I fitted one of my Python for short-medium range armed transport, the second one is strongly biased toward mining.

I only have 20 tons of cargo available but strong shield and weapons and a decent jump range for what I want to do with it, which is supporting my Fleet Carrier buying Tritium or selling the minerals I can like the Bromellite and Low Temperature Diamonds I get with the Tritium I mine.

With any of those loads I get interdicted regularly and when I can't evade, I can kill the pirate unless it's a FDL perhaps, it's no problem taking down whatever come my way, Krait Mk2, Alliance Challenger etc.

It is not a fit for high load but support transport.

Oh, I forgot, I don't Supercruise Assist on this one, when you're used to it, it is easy to supercruise manualy and it saves a slot.