Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Diplomatic and public relations of the Order of Mobius faction in Elite: Dangerous
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Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby PulsarShark » Sun Jan 22, 2017 12:44 am


I am a longstanding member of the active player group Aisling's Angels. We support Aisling Duval in Powerplay, and we're based in Chona.

Today I stumbled upon two CMDRs in Mobius PVE, fighting in a CZ in HIP 4003 against the Angels. I guessed that they were probably doing Empire rank, since the opposing faction is Empire aligned.

This bring us to an awkward problem. The Angels are not Empire aligned on purpose. The Princess promotes and depends on NON-imperial faction types for the health of her Powerplay economy (Communist, Cooperative, Confederacy). If you grind Empire rank in systems exploited or Controlled by Aisling Duval, you are damaging us in Powerplay.

We would like to ask Mobius CMDRs who aren't especially interested in Powerplay to give us a break by not messing up our lawn. And we would like to point out a resource for finding other places you CAN grind rank without being harmful to the locals.....

Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval DOES favor factions that tend to be Imperial (they aren't ALWAYS, but they OFTEN are). They post a weekly info sheet which has one section rank grinders should be interested in, and that is MINOR FACTION FLASHPOINTS (at the lower right of the document - you may need to scroll to see it).

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... ingle=true

That is a list of factions at war that Arissa's players want to support. Many times, those factions will be compatible with Empire ranking. If CZs aren't your thing, you can also do any of the non-Massacre missions the faction may be offering.

(If you are wondering what happened with the CMDRs in the CZ, they were just leaving due to some NPC damage. I followed them to the nearest dock and requested that they move. I was in the process of finding them another system to move to, when they moved on without me and I returned to find the instance empty. So I am posting my findings here in hopes that we can reach even more CMDRs.)

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby atraangelis » Tue Feb 14, 2017 1:21 pm

PulsarShark wrote:Hello!
We would like to ask Mobius CMDRs who aren't especially interested in Powerplay to give us a break by not messing up our lawn. And we would like to point out a resource for finding other places you CAN grind rank without being harmful to the locals.....

What if they are powerplayers? What if they are independents looking for cash in an active war zone?

If they are in the warzone, why would the angels treat them any different then NPC opponents?

I find it a bit disengenous telling players they cant participate/hunt in a war/conflict zone your involved with. IF they do, they suffer the consequences if cought within.

(disclosure: I was not one of the players in the mentioned incident.)

Inside Conflict Zones the following rules apply:
It is not allowed to attack a neutral player (a player not having chosen a faction)
It is not allowed to attack another player while being neutral (not having chosen a faction oneself)
It is not allowed to attack another player on the own chosen faction
Only if both players have activly chosen opposing factions may they engage in combat
It is not allowed to exit and enter a warzone in rapid succession for the sole purpose of targeting other players. Only if the wrong faction was chosen by mistake or by mutual agreement of the present players (For example in order for everybody to join the same faction).

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby Judson » Tue Feb 14, 2017 2:03 pm

To be fair I think the tone of the request suggested an appeal rather than a demand. Also he was offering a viable alternative. I can't say I ever got powerplay so I have little clue what its about.

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby Macklroy » Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:03 pm

My guess is these cmdrs are not fighting for The Order minor faction.

99% of cmdrs in the Mobius private group are not affiliated with the minor faction.

While I agree with the OP that if it is not their intention to mess with the Angels it would be considerate to find another system to grind. It is very possible that the cmdrs intention was to upset the balance of powerplay.

It begs repeating that the Mobius private group is simply a group for ALL cmdrs looking for exclusively PVE content. Most of these cmdrs are not affiliated with The Order of Mobius minor faction and are free to explore the game in any manner they enjoy.

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby atraangelis » Tue Feb 14, 2017 6:28 pm

I see everyones point and i agree its not a demand but a request.

I guess what twisted my flight stick about the posting was it being a warning or request to Human players, when in fact If it was me I would have simply engaged the two VALID combatants like they were NPC adversaries.

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby PulsarShark » Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:26 pm

It's hard to decide whether to attack or not, when I find an unfamiliar CMDR fighting for the wrong side. If I try to talk, there's a good chance they'll make a fake show of cooperating, and then just go to Solo and keep fighting. If I open fire, I may be making an extra enemy by blowing up somebody who was just there to make money (& would have moved if they understood they were messing with somebody's minor faction). I have done it both ways (although so far I've only shot someone in Open).

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby Macklroy » Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:17 pm

PShark: It can't hurt to ask. There is ALWAYS the chance that someone will be in open/solo/another private group opposing your faction intentionally or unintentionally. If it is unintentional they may move on with a simple request. If you attack them, like you said, you might create an enemy where there was none.

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby o7MJ » Thu Jun 29, 2017 7:53 pm

Overlook this if the situation wasn't like this: They were in a combat zone as the opposing faction to yours thus damaging your progress in that system?

If that is the case this should apply as written in the policy:

    Inside Conflict Zones the following rules apply:
It is not allowed to attack a neutral player (a player not having chosen a faction)
It is not allowed to attack another player while being neutral (not having chosen a faction oneself)
It is not allowed to attack another player on the own chosen faction
Only if both players have activly chosen opposing factions may they engage in combat
It is not allowed to exit and enter a warzone in rapid succession for the sole purpose of targeting other players. Only if the wrong faction was chosen by mistake or by mutual agreement of the present players (For example in order for everybody to join the same faction).

If this wasn't the case the only thing you can do is to ask them to leave. But since this is Mobius, it's best to ask even before engaging in combat. Some people might think it's entirely PVP free, which in CZ it might not be.

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby ambren » Fri Jan 25, 2019 7:35 am

I tried to find this info on my own....kinda still unclear. I am an ensign with the federation and I have been wondering what it would be like to fly the Imperial ships. If I start completing missions for the empire will my rank in Fed be eliminated?
What about my FED permits and fed ships?
What if one of my fed ships get's destroyed? Would insurance cover a ship that I can't purchase anymore?
Is it possible to be friendly and enlisted to both?

Or....do I have all this wrong and keep my rank with FED and earn new rep with the Empire? Does this make sense?

thanks for any and all help!

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Re: Diplomatic Empire Grinding

Postby GreenViper » Fri Jan 25, 2019 8:37 am

@ CMDR 956,
You will gain rank with the Empire and that won't effect your FED ranking... so there's nothing stopping you from working for the Empire for awhile ;)
- Cmdr GreenViper -

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