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Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 6:27 am
by Judson
I don't like it, I don't agree with it and I won't take any part in it.

Losing Hellin our only landable base in Njiri is almost upon us. Too late to change that fact.

The assets and holdings OoM have are OUR capital in OUR bank of wealth, built up through years of missions, exploration, conflict and trade. That is being given away. Did you have any say in it being given away? I didn't and quite frankly that stinks! What is worse is that it seems these initial negotiations have been made by Cmdrs who have only recently joined the OoM, they not having made the sacrifices of the grind that some of us had.

So I disagree with what has happened and where we are heading and quite frankly will not 'co-operate' so if that gets me made into a pariah so be it. At least my conscience is clear and I have had my say.


Njiri a Casualty mishap...

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:04 am
by Edddelos
I agree to a degree, although I am still new to the group I do feel as if the hours I have put into this faction account for nothing.

I do have a couple of questions.

-Why didn't OOM move into the Morana system?

-Can we negotiate a deal with BlackRam to have a presence in Morana even it be a small one?

-If OOM did have holdings in the Morana system, what would be the expansion be? (What system or systems)

-- Is OOM leadership open to new ideas? And would they be considered??

I do have more questions and ideas, but won't post them just yet.

Re: Njexit

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:10 am
by Xebeth
So taking my cue from JL who locked a previous thread on exactly this subject, I'm going to lock this one for the moment, if JL feels this is a valid debate to re-open then that decision is for him.