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Shot down a ship in my SRV.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 9:10 pm
by Jeffers2112
So I'm on Azrael 3A doing a bit of prospecting and being quite successful collecting materials.
I see traces of a strange signal on my scanner, up at the top of the band. So I head towards it and it gradually gets clearer.
Eventually it resolves into two separate signals, both not quite like anything I'd seen before.
I get to the first one and it's piles of wreckage from a ship, but no salvageable stuff.
The second contact looks like a ship and, as I get closer, I get a "new contact" message.
I select it and it turns out to be a wanted NPC in a Viper IV, hovering above the surface.
At this point I decided to do something rather reckless and potentially dangerous.
I get in the turret and start firing at him.
His shields start going down quite nicely and then I get the "hardpoints deployed" message.
Now I'm in trouble I think, but he doesn't open fire.
His shields go down and now his hull starts taking damage, but still no return fire.
He comes out with one of those silly NPC phrases "Ha, you fight a good fight!" and then as his hull gets to 10% there's a "Frameshift charge detected" message, even though he's only a 100 metres or so off the ground.
Anyway,hull goes to zero, there's a big bang and that's him gone, just some wreckage and a few bits of material for me to salvage....
That was very strange....

Re: Shot down a ship in my SRV.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 10:13 pm
by Lanceor
I don't think the AI is programmed to respond to SRVs - I've shot at some and they've turned red but they don't move or shoot back.

But if this NPC is persistent and you can relog to shoot it again, congrats! You've found an unlimited bounty exploit that will get nerfed as soon as Frontier hears about it. :)

Re: Shot down a ship in my SRV.

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 11:34 pm
by Renown
I did a planetary scan once and missed an Imperial Clipper behind a small hill/mound as I triggered the force field the skimmers came out I killed them but as I scanned the data point, wham the Clipper took off. I engaged it with my SRV :) :) :) I got a few hits on it as it flew around shooting at me. My ship was parked on the ground, if I can park it out of sight of the defences I don't bother sending it away, just as well as I soon thought I'd better get out, got to my ship in and off before getting destroyed, didn't even lose shields. I guess the cross eyed Clipper wasn't very good at aiming. Thankfully we don't have "space legs" as the run from SRV hangar to cockpit would have finished me off.

Re: Shot down a ship in my SRV.

Posted: Wed Mar 14, 2018 2:00 pm
by LeDoyen
Everytime i do a planetary scan mission and there's ships guarding the zone either on the ground or already in the air, they engage my SRV.. so i believe ships still do fire at them.

I tend to land as close as i can to be able to race to my ship when i see one guarding the zone.