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Welp... That's definitely a space pickle!

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2021 8:21 am
by HyperX
So I went into my Rated A (no eng) AspX to system "BFE" to get the mats/bprints for the Guardian FSD module. See I just got done working like a space dog for 40 forevers earning 100m cr to get a Python for Ribigo runs. Welp when I got back I had everything but the 24 FOCUS CRYSTALS and here's where the pickle comes in. I can't get into my rated A Python to fight for crystals because the damn AspX has cargo and the Python doesn't have a cargo rack yet! So I'm stuck put-putting in combat with a explorer kitted AspX (decent tho it may be) until I can fulfill the 24 Focus Crystals and form to Guardian FSD drive. #fml See? Space pickle! ...3 down. ...smooth bought it on Threat 2. 4 v 1

Re: Welp... That's definitely a space pickle!

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2021 3:34 pm
by tinnitus
Why not store an Optional Internal Mod popping in a cargo rack? What cargo is in the Aspx. Focus Crystal combat vessels, or known to be from signal sources in high security sectors. Is Focus Crystals offered as a payment for missions, sorry confused, which is normal for my pickled brain. Nervir, Crowther's Rest, Hyades Sector DR-V c2-23 , Dav's Hope the latter being a popular spot - easy pickings there drive around scoop then refresh & repeat.