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Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:03 am
by de Carabas
AndyB wrote:
yup, loads of credits :) i need them though as i plan on reworking my bookmark system to give some indication of what's there.

in future trade routes will be marked with a hauler one end and a sidewinder the other, systems with RES in them will be marked with a viper if it has a station and eagle if it only has an outpost while good systems to gain faction rank in will get an adder.

I was going to use Cobra's to mark good stations to outfit at but decided not to bother as i have access to founders world for 10% off.

Wouldn't it be quicker, easier and cheaper to use paper and a pencil? :D

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:06 am
by Colin The Grey
de Carabas wrote:Wouldn't it be quicker, easier and cheaper to use paper and a pencil? :D

It's much easier to use Sideymarks as they stand out on the Galaxy map when zoomed out - makes it much easier to find and select that system.

I have about 14 Sideymarks dotted around the galaxy.

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:16 am
by Jacob Jones
Yes Kept al my ships seem attached to them. My OCD must be hording things.

Pimped Siddy in Pirate Colours

Pimped Adder

Pimped Cobra in Flame orange

Stockish T6 My old trading cow.

Asp in white future explorer ship when I stripped all the clutter off it.

Vulture in Red the CZ and RES dream machine. The weapon of choice.

Python in green. Bought on a discount cannot afford to upgrade it so is a 220 T trader for present CG. However said it was a limping camel was right in E spec.

It is fun to me having the ships took a trip across the Core in the Siddy yesterday checking out High Tech Stations. It was fun and does it ever overheat quick.

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:19 am
by AndyB
de Carabas wrote:
Wouldn't it be quicker, easier and cheaper to use paper and a pencil? :D

that depends on several factors starting with how long it takes you to find the pencil ;)

someone once calculated that if Bill Gates dropped a 1000 dollar bill it wouldn't be worth his time picking it up as he would earn more in the time it took to do so that he would retrieve, its like that when you have a 500 tonne T9 parked on a good trade route as with just one trade you can buy 20 sidewinders.

that plus i plan on getting the OR when the consumer version is released and i want everything in place ready for it ;)

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 11:41 am
by Xerxryn
Type 7

Eagle for some fun from time to time and currently Type 7 for trading, just have to get used to it's size for the time being. Want to get another cobra and keep it for smuggling (when the urge get to me).

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:07 pm
I got four.

Asp (active)

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 12:15 pm
by mungfu
Two, but soon to be three.

1. Adder "The Purple Adder" the home of Onionhead Radio broadcasting 24/7 near Toolfa
2. Vulture "Chickenhawk" big pew pew fun
3. Asp "Deep Purple Hyperbole" will be used for flying around looking at things

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 5:57 pm
by Dancer
Have 3 ships in total. My Asp explorer that I will possibly sell off depending what the new Diamondback is like.

Vulture for getting a little combat experience.

T9 for building up the credits. Have this located at my favourite trade route.

Use my Asp to get around and between my trade location and home base. General taxi when not exploring.

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:18 pm
by Y0URD34D
I currently own four ships:
Vulture : Dogfighting, fast and mobile
Asp : Exploring
T9 : Trading
Anaconda : Fighting and helping friends

Re: Own more than one ship?

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 9:01 pm
by LesserHellspawn
Used to only switch my main ship ever so often. But after getting the Anaconda I started collecting ships when they were at a discount. So I have a Clipper at Nu and a Python, Viper and Sidey at Zaonce. Waiting until I can finally access Shinrarta Dezhra to kit them out. A graded my Tradeconda though, last piece, the A8 powerplant bought today. If money permits it, I want to have Condas for everything one day. Tradeconda, Warconda, Travelconda. Though once I get to Shinrarta Dezhra I can just refit the one I have.