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[IBS] We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:22 pm
by highlightshadow
Fellow Citizens and Commanders of Blood Serpents

We can no longer sit idly by while the moral and legitimate fabric of our Empire is being erroded
We can no longer turn a blind eye to the corrupt and heineous plots against our Emperor and his heirs.
We can no longer tollerate devious and underhanded attempts at ursurping power by trampling on others.

We have to take a stand.
Today Princess Lavigny-Duval revealed the next stage in her plan to find and eliminate those who conspire and work in shadows to assassinate the honourable Emperor Hengist.
We must support her ongoing efforts no matter the cost to ourselves personally. Too many 'loyal' citizens are simply loyal to the mighty Credit. Their strength and firepower simply going to the highest bidder.

The Blood Serpents must do what is right by the Empire. We must support our rightful Heir irrispective of profit. We do this because it is right.

At the same time it is becomming ever more clear that Senator Dentor Patreus is using the weak and misguided Princess Aisling to gain political power.
His recent efforts in Kui Hsien to reclaim a debt owed. Granted in the Empire non-payment of debt is dishnourable. But I would ask you.... is it therefore more dishonourable yet to change the terms of an agreement making that debt outstrip the planets ability to pay.... and then to offer, once again, the mighty Credit to stamp out those people.

I find Denton Patreus' actions questionable. I find his ethics dishonourable. I shall not stand by. I am not taking his blood money for my own profit. I am doing the right thing.

In the coming months the Blood Serpents will have the oportunity of aligning themselves with some of these powers in the Galaxy.
I say we stand with the Emperor and his famiy. I say we align ourselves with the Emperor and Princess Arissa.

We must stand united. Acting as a single force.

What say you Commanders.

Heil to the Emperor, Heil Princess Arissa

Count von Shadow

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 8:34 pm
by Feldspar
You make a convincing argument, but then Patreus does have some sweet facial hair, Arissa does not, how can she expect to compete?

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 9:59 pm
by Gorf
She has... erm... non facial hair

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 10:58 pm
by Walter
She could try a false beard. That would definitely swing it for me.

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:13 pm
by Flip
Walter wrote:She could try a false beard. That would definitely swing it for me.

I know where she could get one for a good price:

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2015 11:04 am
by highlightshadow
Here was me spending ages writing a nice RP post hoping to get a nice RP discussion going about powers, factions, support and military action...
and all you do is turn it into a discussion about facial hair

Don't know why i bothered :x

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:10 am
by Flip
You're right, these weren't very nice reactions to a very good post.

Thing is, we know very little about Power Play at the moment, or even when it will be introduced. So while the intention behind your post was excellent, I feel it may have been a bit premature. Basically you say "how about we unite behind the Emperor and against Senator Patreus?" but at the moment there isn't any way to do that, and not much information about the alternatives. So what can we answer?

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:59 pm
by Ozzy81
I share Cmdr Highlightshadows' concerns and also agree with Cmdr Flip it is still to early to decide as we lack information. However, I will be keeping a close watch on Senator Patreus, maybe the upcoming days will reveal more as to true nature of his actions.

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:01 pm
by Feldspar
I apologise, it was kind of cruel of me to expose you to my methods of decision making. I find that when it comes to choosing leaders, while their policies, directions, hopes and aspirations may be inviting and in line with your ethos, the reality is somewhat askewed from they public projections, thus I pick an arbitrary method of ascertaining who I should throw my coin in with. It might seem wayward and unreliable, but it proves to be just as, if not more, reliable than me weighing up the pros and cons and making an informed decision.

Re: We can no longer remain neutral

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2015 7:23 pm
by uvelius
Fellow Blood Serpents!

I want to raise a toast to the Princess Lavigny-Duval and offer my full support to the most honourable Commander Highlightshadow, even if we cannot already fully ascertain the consequences of the political play behind the scene.

In times of trouble, where all forces are required to spread the Light of the Empire to the corrupted Federation, rich only by ill-covered excuses for their numerous personal power plays and, of course, their arrogance to deem themselves better by applying aforesaid best excuses, the stability of an experienced long-ruling house is of essence for letting the Empire thrive. Senators, on the other hand, are known for murdering Emperors or to become self-styled emperors themselves, though they might claim in a Federation-style manner that they "only will be Emperors for the time of war". I suggest we test this Senator's proposals thoroughly, his true aim, and question the ways he utilizes to reach his goals.
In contrast, the Princess Lavigny-Duval has shown both wisdom and strength, and last but not least quite a good payment for those that supported her efforts in investigations and so many other things. Features that her opponent, the Senator, can only try to claim. The Princess has proven that she pays loyalty with loyalty.

Therefore, though I do not think that time is ripe to reach a final decision, I vote for showing the Princess our sympathies . This also to judge the depth of her true spirit.

May the light of the Empire shine very brightly and give us many nice reasons to shoot, trade and explore, to become an important force when our true enemies finally turn up.

PS. Manly stubbles optional.