CMDR Smeggysmeg signing back on

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Joined: Tue Feb 23, 2016 5:24 pm
CMDR: Smeggysmeg
CMDR_Platform: PC-MAC

CMDR Smeggysmeg signing back on

Postby smeggysmeg » Fri Jul 05, 2024 3:55 am

Hi all,

I played Elite Dangerous heavily from 2015 to 2018ish, through the release of Horizons and maybe right around the release of Beyond. For a while, I was even a mod on the Reddit subreddit for Elite Dangerous.

When I played, I sometimes would let my son sit on my lap while playing. Even after I stopped playing regularly, at least once a year he would want to sit on my lap and play for an hour or two.

Well, now he's old enough to play himself, and with the help of NVIDIA GeForce Now he's playing on our TV. Of course, he's 9 years old and the game is completely overwhelming to him, so I've jumped back in to be his wingdad.

I'm liking that collecting engineering materials is less painful, but I'm not really caring for much of the Odyssey content and I'm staying in my ship as much as possible. I should probably get into the AX content, but it all seems so overwhelming to learn. I've finally earned enough ARX to get Norman Lovett's voice on my ship, which is fun.

I'm a member of the OG Mobius group and I've applied to join the Americas group, along with my son on his account.

See you all in the black o7

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CMDR: GreenViper
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Re: CMDR Smeggysmeg signing back on

Postby GreenViper » Fri Jul 12, 2024 6:24 pm

Greetings and welcome to Mobius, Commander Smeggysmeg
Hope to meet you in the Black one day!

I'm residing in Colonia since a few years now, and I can tell you we can always use some Commanders to help us out as a member of the MCRN (Mobius Colonial Republic Navy).
We're a rather small group of Commanders who settled in Colonia.
- Cmdr GreenViper -

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