Cmdr Drubay ready to go

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Cmdr Drubay ready to go

Postby Drubay » Tue Feb 14, 2023 1:58 am

Hey all, Cmdr Drubay here (Same in game)

Just a bit about RL me, I am a 35yo man with a family, about to retire from the military due to severe injuries sustained throughout my career. Elite has been an escape from a negative outlook on life and helps calm my nerves. I suffer from a few trauma issues mentally as well so going on voice comms is an issue for myself but once in a while I still do. I wanted to join this group because it is closer to how I would enjoy the game. Although I do enjoy good role play in this universe, ganking and harassment from players that don't role-playing their part and just kills just to say they did annoyed me to much to play in open.

Been a huge fan of the Elite series since I first saw someone play the original (or so I think it was) when I was 5 or 6. I bought it in 2015 and It took me a while to really get into because of the learning curve but once I understood I got hooked.

I have a over 1000hrs in Elite (according to steam anyways). I tried everything in Elite and honestly my favorite part is how everything is connected. I mostly do combat as a Bounty hunter although these days I spend most of my time fighting to help guard humanity from the Thargoid threat. I have hundreds of discoveries ac Orting to my codex, made a few billions and spent most of it on owning all the ships and trying to fit them, also from exploding.... a lot.
I'm not the best a anything but I enjoy all of it.

I've also traveled to Sag A* with a 24Ly jump ASP cause I didn't know how things worked. This is also where most of my discoveries come from lol.

I only have trader with the Elite rank, and still need to grind rep for the 2 last ships I don't own. I love how relaxing mining is and made a lot from that when deep core mining came along. I don't own a carrier yet but probably aftert his war that will be my new goal.

If you see me somewhere in the galaxy say HI! and feel free to invite me to do something, just please don't be mad if I don't respond sometimes I miss the messages.

o7 Cmdrs, See you out there
Cmdr Drubay,


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