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Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:49 am
by Paineframe
Hi Cmdrs! I'm CMDR Paineframe, and I fly in a mix of modes, doing mostly trade and trade studies, plus the occasional spot of exploration and CGs. When I'm not cranking hard on my own projects, I fly with the Diamond Frogs and Adamant Toads.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 2:51 pm
by Anomander Rake
Hi there,

CMDR Anomander Rake here. Flew in solo for quite some time until I heard of this group. Gladly joined it since I do not like pvp. Got not much time for practice and would be no threat for a real life person even in my Vulture.

Searching for some wing action, but got no possibility for voice comm/ts, because of my 11 months old daughter usually sleeping when I got time for playing.
I am currently in the high res at Phiagre 4 for the community goal. After that I'll be heading for Azrael.

Oh. Btw. Living in Berlin. 33 years old. Senior Consultant for Banking & Finance.

Feel free to add me in game. I will be on usually after 8 pm. At least for 2-3 days a week.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:49 pm
by JohnLuke
Welcome to Mobius, new Commanders!

If you are interested in trying a different location and bumping into some other humans, a lot of Mobius commanders hang around our home system of Azrael in Empire space.

Please feel free to add your name to the In game friends list thread, and check out our TeamSpeak servers to easily chat with, and possibly wing up with other commanders.

Also, make sure to check the Policy page if you haven't already.

On top of all of that, we also have a Facebook group and Twitter feed.

There is a lot of great info on the message board, and we have compiled a long list of Tips and Tricks to help new players acclimatize to the game while having fun.

Finally, if you are interested in being involved, go here to see information about our player group faction, the Order of Mobius. We have our own Discord (voice and text chat) servers for supporters of Mobius, as well as our own Order of Mobius Twitter feed.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:28 pm
by Velixar
My user name Velixar it also my commander name. I am here to help on Mobius. But willing to help anyone. I am in in stinking Sidewinder. Right now just doing basic exploration. Until I can upgrade the ship some or get a cobra then switching to trading.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:35 pm
by Summersa74
CMDR summersa74 checking in.

I mainly trade and mine in Solo right now, but I'm looking forward to hanging out with people I can trust once my request to join gets accepted.

I get my fill of PvP in other games. Elite is my relax and cruise the galaxy game.

You'll find me most mornings and evenings US Central time.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:13 pm
by mexican star

Cmdr Harn reporting for duty :)

Do mainly trading in and around the Vequess / Cemiess systems but have been known to travel further afield to the likes Robigo and Fujin. Been playing for a few years now, currently flying in my Imperial Clipper MOONWOLF. Its nice to be somewhere where i won't have to spend all my time fighting pirates off :) If your in the neighbourhood give us a shout ;)

Fly straight and true commanders.

Cmdr Harn.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:20 am
by Calliqrius

Cmdr Calliqrius at your service!

Im no stranger to flight simulation, but actually having a decent space sim has really caught on to me, I've been playing almost non-stop since January when a friend got me into Elite:Dangerous. I usually do bounty hunting and exploration (I'm gonna try and go to the Orion Nebula tonight) I do alittle bit of everything if you put something in front of me. I do like playing in groups, but i do like to get to know people first! Ive got a few ships under my command, and i usually hang out around Wolf 906. Drop me a line!

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:37 pm
by Xebeth
Greetings and welcome to Mobius, new Commanders

Please feel free to add your names to the In game friends list thread, and check out our TeamSpeak servers to easily chat with, and possibly wing up with other commanders.

Also, make sure to check the Policy page if you haven't already Image.

On top of all of that, we also have a Facebook group and Twitter feed.

There is a lot of great info on the message board, and we have compiled a long list of Tips and Tricks to help new players acclimatize to the game while having fun.

Finally, if you are interested in being involved, go here to see information about our player group faction, the Order of Mobius (based at Rafferty's Mobius station in the Azrael system). We have our own Discord (voice and text chat) servers for supporters of Mobius, as well as our own Order of Mobius Twitter feed.

Re: Please introduce yourself.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2016 11:02 am
by welshdragon1970
Hi there fellow commanders, my name is Richard aged 47 and from south wales in the united kingdom I joined PvE due to the fact I want to trade and explore initially the maybe something else I have played elite since its initial release on the bbc micro back in 1984 and when I realised they were updating it I knew i had to get myself a copy - but my pc specs were not high enough so i bought a new pc for this game and purchased the LEP and have been playing regularly for about 6 months. I dont get too much time as I care for my severely disabled child of 9 who is blind, has epilepsy and cerebral palsey so generally im online after 9pm my time and would love to wing up and explore that side of the game anyone feel free to add me my commander name is the same as my user name - welshdragon1970 - looking forward to getting to know the community sincerely Richard

Re: Please introduce yourself. CMDR Susanna Saunders

Posted: Mon May 02, 2016 11:11 am
by Susanna Saunders
Hi All,

Looking forward to chatting with some of you if you would like to natter :P Very brief bio, I'm a 53 yo lady living in South Wales, UK.

As a Big Frontier fan back in the 90's and after hearing about ED just before Christmas (I know, the game has been out for ages) I've been playing ED for four months since Christmas 2015/2016, I finally heard about Mobius after I posted to the ED forum last night! Very glad to be here!

Here is a brief story... I decided to give the community goals a go shortly after buying my conda as something different to do and I'm a pretty altruistic type of lady so this type of objective appeals to me anyway :geek:

After travelling some 150 Ly in my conda from Kamocan to Morrina I came out of the soup in open mode (ok, in hindsight probably niave thinking a community goal location would be a friendly system where I could chat to people instead of being a honeypot for murderers and pirates), only to find a wing waiting in ambush for me (a FdL and a cobra I think) who had very bad news weapons and quickly destroyed my conda... 10+ mil later and the 150 Ly again (in solo mode!) back to Morinna, I'm annoyed but I guess wiser, and now in the top 10% of contributors after a couple more hours of playing...

However, I was really annoyed and disappointed with the game, after all it was a community goal system and you'd think would therefore be a 'friendly' location to work with and hopefully chat with others towards a common goal. After not sleeping for a couple of hours (faith in humanity broken, that sort of thing....), I decided to get up at 3AM and voice my discontent on the forums, which is what lead to me being here! A kind soul told me about Mobius and PvE mode!

So, you have probably guessed I'm not a combative type, I like the exploration side of the game but it would be nice to have some friends to hook up with and play! Anyone fancy checking out the Barnicles with me?

Chat Soon. Susanna