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Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 10:29 am
by cmdr 0303
It actualy depends on your ship !
With my viper mk4 i'l always go by 0;06 end even the last second or so 0;05. I notest that with a few other ships you cannot do this, i think it has to do with the maneuvrebility of the ship ?
Indeed with a hotas (t16000 ect) it is a joy to do this, never get's tired :) and if distracted your flyby is even a joy.
Hope this helps a bit.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:00 am
by evovi
Lanceor wrote:To safely exit supercruise, both your speed and distance need to be in the blue zone:


Once your speed reaches the blue zone, you can generally max out your throttle until you're close enough to exit. This will shave a few precious seconds off the approach phase where you're most likely to be interdicted.

Interdicted and end up with hull damage as you twist and turn into the planets drop out zone grrrrr npc's

I tend to sit on the 6 second mark - I find if it drops to 5 seconds and if I'm over 4mm away i overshoot - so this way needs a little more focus of your speed/distance - unless somethings happening on YouTube or Netflix and grabs my attention I rarely do a flyby

The 2.3 patch with its station orientation gfx in SC being accurate is a god send, I can come in nose to slot 99% of the time now, before using the planet to orbit and based on the station slot always points toward the body its orbiting it was still hit and miss, yeah it was close to but now it's perfect! Thanks fd :)


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:18 am
by DarkMere
I guess we have all found our best way of doing it, which probably amounts to the same. At 7 seconds I always take my throttle to zero, then back to the centre on the blue zone, this then takes my ship to the point of exiting supercruise at 6 seconds all the way. It seems to work with all my ships.

As for interdictions, I never ever bother trying to fight it, I always submit to them, then depending on what ship I am in I either boost away or turn and fight. Two of my ships do not have any weapons so fighting is not an option.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 11:34 am
by cmdr 0303
evovi wrote:using the planet to orbit and based on the station slot always points toward the body its orbiting it was still hit and miss

I never did that maneuvre, i learned alot howto do it and how to find the letterbox from using the "docking computer" while it is doing his job, you'l learn quite fast where and what...and what NOT to try :) .
Now i do the coming-in and docking like a pro, thanks to the hotas as well. I use a buton on the glider thing, to move forward/backward instead of 2 on the keyboard, saves me alot of sweat and time.
Do miss the accidents tho :evil:


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:19 pm
by Capricos
I've been playing since release. One of my throttle controllers it set at 10% increments. I have played with every increment and time. 70% throttle will continue to increase speed towards the target and time wind down. 50% will slow it down to 0:09 and hold steady. 60% will sit at 0:07 and that 0:07 will not budge. You will not have to fiddle with anything. No speeding up or down. No watching blue indicators. The distance just counts down.
Can I cruise in at 0:05 or even less if I sat there and constantly adjusted controls? Yes.
This very simple, time tested, literally over 10000 times, move is very helpful to new folks.
Sinxar, what gravity wells are in deep space?
This is very simple. 100% speed towards target, reduce to 60% at 0:07 and don't worry about touching anything until you're within km. Unless of course you decide to fly into some rings or through a cluster of moons. It's so you are guaranteed to not overshoot the target (unless you aren't paying attention). It allows you to look at other things while in supercruise.
It's only happened a 1000 times when I wasn't paying attention that I didn't throttle down until 0:06 and the time kept declining.
We're talking about a locked in, distance only counting down cruise.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 2:54 pm
by ecbass
Have not seen this tip yet, when approaching whatever target for disengagement watch the Dist/Speed gauge on left side, when you are 2 pips from the blue,(on the top bar), put the pedal to the metal. You will get a SLOW DOWN warning, but it should change to Safe Disengage if you keep centered. You must wait as stated, or your speed will leave the blue zone before dist. drops, but does get you in quicker.


Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:10 pm
by Sinxar
Capricos wrote:I've been playing since release.

You and a lot of others here (including myself).

Capricos wrote:One of my throttle controllers it set at 10% increments. I have played with every increment and time. 70% throttle will continue to increase speed towards the target and time wind down.

This is simply not true and the point I am trying to get across. Setting the throttle to 75% while the ETA is greater or equal to 0:06 is the fastest way to glide to the destination. It is proven. All you need is a hotkey to set throttle 75% and you don't waste time and you don't over shoot.

Capricos wrote:Can I cruise in at 0:05 or even less if I sat there and constantly adjusted controls? Yes.

That is on your end though. You have very a coarse throttle for whatever reason and cannot even get 75% (you stated it is in 10% increments, so the best you can do is 70 or 80) . You can't just claim it isn't true because your equipment isn't setup properly.

Capricos wrote:Sinxar, what gravity wells are in deep space?

Thats my bad. I thought you were using a linear throttle, like a keyboard or HOTAS. Makes sense now since you would be at 70% resulting in an extended 0:07 approach. The next notch would be 80% which is indeed too fast.

Capricos wrote:We're talking about a locked in, distance only counting down cruise.

Indeed we are:
from left to right: Corvette, Asp Explorer, Anaconda, Viper MK III, Imperial Eagle.
Jumped to the nearest system then back. When the throttle drops to 75% it is hands off. I even drifted far beyond the drop zone to show that it doesn't overshoot.

I agree, drop to 70% is a safe way to approach. The thing that irks me is you claiming 75% isn't the magic number, as if me and thousands of other players are liars.


Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 10:50 am
by Cmdr Chemtrail
I hit 75% at 7 seconds manually or between 8-9 seconds if i'm using voice.