o7 CMDR's!
You may know me as the "logo-guy" who recently created the new Mobius PvE, MCRN and MEC logo's slapped all over the Facebook group pages. I get a lot of satisfaction from making these, knowing that you folks enjoy looking at them as much as I like creating them. I'm no professional and I work a full-time job in the games industry so whatever work I produce is always lovingly crafted in my spare time.
I recently approached the Mobius leadership with the idea of creating an additional place for people to buy Mobius merch, specifically adorned with the aforementioned logo's. The range is relatively small at the moment but I'm looking to add the MEC and MCRN affiliations on depending on how well the page does. I'm also open to suggestions for any additional merch/pieces you would like to see there
In the interest of transparency I do receive a small commission on sales through the site. If this offends you in any way please remember that I consider my work to be free for personal use. If you would like to download the PNG's from the Facebook page and get yourself a t-shirt made up I'm not going to stop you; it just makes me happy that you are enjoying the hard work I've put in.
If you like what you see please press the FOLLOW button to get mails when new stuff is added.
Link here >>
Mobius MerchThanks!