rat-rsv wrote:Hi, how long does it normally take to get accepted into Mobius, I only ask because I filled out the form on Saturday and I've not had a in game invite yet. Thanks.
sneaky3825 wrote:XboxOne platform - Cmdr sneaky3825:
Trying to join, have filled out request form but when searching for groups in game, nothing ever comes back. I mean nothing, no matter what I search for. Anybody experience this? will I have to wait for an invite to come in-game to be able to join? Not sure if I need to also request joinging in game.
com.fredrick wrote:Coming from Europe and knowing that there are groups for pacific / europe /asian time zone etc it is still not clear where to send the ingame request: mobius or mobius pve ? are certain groups full (closed) and/or are groups (mobius, mobius pve) connected to specific time zones?
Saberius wrote:
According to the JOINS section:
Due to the size limit of group members are only permitted to join a single main group.
the main groups are called "MOBIUS", "MOBIUS PVE" and "MOBIUS ASIAPACIFIC"
MOBIUS - Europe/Africa Regional
MOBIUS PVE - Americas/Canada/South America Regional
MOBIUS ASIAPACIFIC - Australia/New Zealand/Taiwan/Korea/China etc Regional
Hope this helps.
cmdr_faldren wrote:hi,
just wondering if the groups are all full or not? I have tried to join MOBIUS ASIAPACIFIC (I'm based in Melbourne Australia) but have not had any response, does anyone know how long requests take to be approved?
Cmdr Faldren
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