LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

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Poll ended at Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:03 pm

Amend the process to include future Legacy memberships to keep new players safe.
Restrict new players and future members to join only the New Thargoid Infested Live servers Only.
Total votes: 4

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LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Saberius » Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:03 pm

OK I need input.

This is a new issue. It only seems to have happened recently as memberships used to be approve once per Mobius PC group (Eurasia, Americas, Factions) but now, LEGACY memberships and non-Legacy memberships are split up just like the BGS and the admin team were unaware because: Thanks, Frontier.

Now, as all of you already know, I have been the sole approver for the last 4+ years or so for all the PC groups, as previous staff have moved on with their lives and other duties since pandemic hit, and a lot of us have realised that life is too short to do unpaid stuff on weekends for a bunch of people we will never meet in real life.

Except me, because I am a dumbass and no-one is dumb enough to replace me as primary admin.
The Mobius PC approval process already takes up to 2 hours of my personal time per week. The process includes checking names against a list of naughty and nice, like a Mobius Santa, and drafting the welcome emails and creating the #MobiusCMDRStillSingle Meme posts on the Forum, Facebook and Tweetdeck accounts.

So, if admin have to log into 3 separate PC groups twice and go through the approval checks twice, it will take up more time, obviously.

My Poll:
1. Do I amend the process to include future Legacy memberships to keep new players safe (and double the process time)
Or 2. Restrict new players and future members to join only the New Thargoid infested Live servers as a caveat, and players with Legacy only access are on their own, never to be a Mobius member because we will simply not check or approve the Legacy logins?

As a side note, The Order of Mobius Squadron may only want make note to think about Live, non-Legacy orders only, as the BGS is also now split and nothing in Legacy affects current Thargoid warfare and system states in Live.

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby M Biscotti » Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:55 pm

I want to rage against the machine here.
Not being able to name a private group, not being able to have simple informations about members like last connection time, Do Frontier use dBase or Paradox ?? It would have been really nice to use "Mobius" group for legacy after removing very low cash 7 years old without connection players. I could quit Mobius as I only play inside Mobius Eurasia but one place isn't enough :)


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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Fyrefly » Mon Mar 06, 2023 5:34 am

Curious, has the plan for "Future of Mobius Group" changed? We've been sitting around 9k members for over a year I think. Seems like we aren't going to hit that 10k planned mark and the old groups still linger.

Thanks for your hard work on the group though Saberius.

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Saberius » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:42 pm

M Biscotti wrote:I want to rage against the machine here.
Not being able to name a private group, not being able to have simple informations about members like last connection time, Do Frontier use dBase or Paradox ?? It would have been really nice to use "Mobius" group for legacy after removing very low cash 7 years old without connection players. I could quit Mobius as I only play inside Mobius Eurasia but one place isn't enough :)


If I could bundle everyone into the one super group, I so would, but as the admin just slightly before me suffered the uber headache of the game session crashing every 5 seconds on trying to add new players beyond the magical number of 20000 (give or take) and Frontier not even actually acknowledging Mobius (as an ideology) is a thing, we are forever stuck in the 'multiple' regional groups thing, which annoys me no end.

The closest we get to it is having the FACTIONS group as a middle ground between regions so for a few missions or common goal scenarios, USA and EUR players can be in the same instances, but even then, this highlights the fact that the loyal console players, are not even in the same BGS anymore and that is just sad and another nail in the coffin as far as they are concerned. :(

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Saberius » Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:47 pm

Fyrefly wrote:Curious, has the plan for "Future of Mobius Group" changed? We've been sitting around 9k members for over a year I think. Seems like we aren't going to hit that 10k planned mark and the old groups still linger.

Thanks for your hard work on the group though Saberius.

I have no actual control over the original 'MOBIUS' group as that is literally Liam's private account and logging into it may get shadowbans on IP's etc, and if he doesn't want to cull the numbers or disband, that is entirely up to him and that's fine. It's still a nice thing to know he proved many people wrong about the way 'people should play the game' and I like it but I don't even know if he is playing privately anymore.

Of course, only new players are joining those, and there is no way to mass move people over automagically.

I could disband the old 'MOBIUS PVE' group, and it may wake some people up, but I guess if it's not hurting anyone, right?

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Fyrefly » Sun Mar 26, 2023 3:16 am

Saberius wrote:I could disband the old 'MOBIUS PVE' group, and it may wake some people up, but I guess if it's not hurting anyone, right?

I understand, but allow me to play devi'ls advocate for a moment, I would argue that allowing active players be split and play in both Mobius PVE and Mobius PVE America you are hurting those players by separating them into multiple unnecessary groups. Otherwise, why not just play in solo right?

So the original plan: from (https://elitepve.com/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=7937)
So that we can carry on its been decided that when MOBIUS PVE EURASIA reaches 10,000 members we will purge the original group, closing it until "MOBIUS PVE EURASIA" fills up and we need to open it once more. The same will occur to the "MOBIUS PVE AMERICA" group and the reset for "MOBIUS PVE" will occur.

I think should have come with a deadline date and not just a minimum number of players. Once "New Group X" reaches 10,000 members or by MONTH & YEAR, whichever comes first, we will purge "Old Group Y". This way we wouldn't be where we are now, years later with multiple groups.

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Saberius » Sat Apr 01, 2023 7:58 am

Unfortunately, I cannot purge the original group, I have no control over it and only CMDR MOBIUS himself does.

It was agreed at the time to remove memberships, but he does not want to, for him it is still a big middle finger headcount to the original nay-sayers that scoffed at him and said that he would be lucky to get 1000 players to player PvE.

Unlike the other three groups, which were created for the purpose of multiple admin, it is literally his private account.
Also, I have not seen him online for a while, and I suspect he has no intention of clearing that group for his own nostalgic reasons :)

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Wyrmgarde » Thu Jul 13, 2023 11:11 am

Speaking of waking people up.. ahem after being gone for like.. uh.. all of the years. I picked up Elite again.

So based on the discussion, it would be amiable for me and others like me to move over to one of the new groups (assuming americas, since i'm in good ol canukistan)

I've been playing on the old mobius group for a couple weeks now. Other than Holdstock logging in from time to time I haven't seen anyone else log in during my usual play times.

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby Saberius » Sun Jul 23, 2023 3:13 am

Wyrmgarde wrote:So based on the discussion, it would be amiable for me and others like me to move over to one of the new groups (assuming americas, since i'm in good ol canukistan)

Just fill in a form to join MOBIUS PVE AMERICA and you should be fine. :)

As for seeing people in the groups, with the 'online/offline' thing broken since forever and Frontier won't/can't fix it, you may not see many actual humans around because space is really big, bigger now that Odyssey and landfall is essentially another instance within an instance that confuses things. I can't even see my own wingmates if they are in ground combat or wing combat unless I am in the same system.
best thing to do is probably hit up the Mobius Discord (links above) and Look for Wing and make new friends and get up to some good ol' shenanigans.

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Re: LEGACY vs LIVE Mobius PC approval process

Postby LordFerret » Wed Oct 04, 2023 1:11 am

I have a friend who submitted a request for Mobius PvE America, but to date has not received any response. Is Mobius still active and taking in members?

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