OK I need input.
This is a new issue. It only seems to have happened recently as memberships used to be approve once per Mobius PC group (Eurasia, Americas, Factions) but now, LEGACY memberships and non-Legacy memberships are split up just like the BGS and the admin team were unaware because: Thanks, Frontier.
Now, as all of you already know, I have been the sole approver for the last 4+ years or so for all the PC groups, as previous staff have moved on with their lives and other duties since pandemic hit, and a lot of us have realised that life is too short to do unpaid stuff on weekends for a bunch of people we will never meet in real life.
Except me, because I am a dumbass and no-one is dumb enough to replace me as primary admin.
The Mobius PC approval process already takes up to 2 hours of my personal time per week. The process includes checking names against a list of naughty and nice, like a Mobius Santa, and drafting the welcome emails and creating the #MobiusCMDRStillSingle Meme posts on the Forum, Facebook and Tweetdeck accounts.
So, if admin have to log into 3 separate PC groups twice and go through the approval checks twice, it will take up more time, obviously.
My Poll:
1. Do I amend the process to include future Legacy memberships to keep new players safe (and double the process time)
Or 2. Restrict new players and future members to join only the New Thargoid infested Live servers as a caveat, and players with Legacy only access are on their own, never to be a Mobius member because we will simply not check or approve the Legacy logins?
As a side note, The Order of Mobius Squadron may only want make note to think about Live, non-Legacy orders only, as the BGS is also now split and nothing in Legacy affects current Thargoid warfare and system states in Live.