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Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 11:16 pm
by Logic_Me
Collage 11 2020_XLQ.jpg
Collage 11 2020_XLQ.jpg (153.65 KiB) Viewed 3176 times
M. C. R. = Mobius Commanders Reunion

Hello Commanders,
First a huge thanks to all the commanders that joined us, it was amazing (look at the picture I’ve post)!
-CMDR Insane McManiac
-CMDR Gordon crow

Now, this did not go according to plan… :roll:
I still haven’t found the reason why we could not meet in Mobius Eurasia.

But the open play taught me (us) some valuable lessons regarding “griefers/gankers” :mrgreen:
If you didn’t see the stream, go and discover a “griefer” in action, orb-ball playing, SRV Racing, group discovery and pirate hunting (NPC’s)

This brings me to point where I would like to do this again ;)
It was lots of fun and I hope that the “original” commanders, and more, will join us.

The idea is to meet again on 9 December 2020 at 19:00 ED time.
Before that time I will create a new post with an official invite.

In the meantime we are going out of the bubble to solve a mystery.
You’re all welcome, leave a message if you want to join.

In Game Communication, leave a suggestion. Is using Discord an option?
Also thinking about a more frequent Reunions, please let me know what you think about it.

Cya later Awesome Commanders!
PS; my last stream is about another way to earn a lot of credits and Wednesday is ED stream day