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Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 5:59 pm
by Ev Tankero
Telengo wrote:
Jeffers2112 wrote:So the chances of meeting up with someone must be getting better all the time.....

(quote] I love being able to see "Friends" icons on the galaxy map. After I went through the friends list post and added pretty much everybody, as long as they are playing in the group you should be able to see people online.

Please tell me, how can I tell if a player who has sent me a friend request determine if He/She is a member of our group? Is there any way to find out that, without the obvious "interrogation protocol" ;)

I know I can see a list of the members of the MOBIUS and that list seems to seems to show the characters online (in Solo/Private Group/Open Play) first and after them come the members who are offline. I wish there would be a choice to sort the list to an alphaphetic order / online-offline status.

Shame everybody in the group does not auto friend.

Up to this day I have gotten one single 'friend request' and I quite shortly, after seeing it on the Comms panel, rejected the request.
I did that because I didn't know anything about that very character, He/She had not sent me any messages on this forum (which I believe is the only way for now to "make friends" out of the game).
If I am totally lost, please tell me the right way of accepting my fellow MOBIUS commanders as my gaming friends :)

Ev Tankero

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:09 pm
by GlobusDiablo
Ev Tankero wrote:...Please tell me, how can I tell if a player who has sent me a friend request determine if He/She is a member of our group?...

Any cmdr you meet while flying in Mobius group is in the Mobius group. Thus we all agree to the terms set by Mobius group.

I friend request and wing invite all I see. :) Don't bother with idle chit chat any more as more often than not I don't get a reply.

I've gotten quite a few cmdrs on my friendslist now, and enjoy being able to spot them om the galaxy map. I try to get as many as possible to join in a quick wing run as I think it is a great addition to the game.

But noone should feel obliged to accept a friendship request. To each his own. :)

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:51 pm
by Emanon
Ev Tankero wrote:...Please tell me, how can I tell if a player who has sent me a friend request determine if He/She is a member of our group?...

However, Ev Tankero, you could still have some friends requests from anytime you played in Open and then the new ones from Mobius and I don't know of a way to distinguish what group they are in, unless you are crazy enough to cross-ref the full Mobius group! ;-) I'd say, unless you are playing on Open a lot and making a bunch of new friends almost all of the requests are coming from Mobius.

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:26 pm
by Dudley
Hi Ev, please feel free to add me as a friend... I'll give you a shout then when I see you online. 07
Dudley_Dawg (CMDR, wingman extrodinair, old fart, wearer of the sacred moccasins, bearded, lion tamer [part time - have a hat..!] :D

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 5:10 pm
by Ev Tankero
Thanks to You, ClobusDiablo, Emanon and Dudley, 07

Coming from the "real" MultiMemberOnlineGame, the EvE Online, I have not logged in the Open mode of this game ever, not for a second!
And I most probably will not either, having read some posts telling about the horrible acts the Commanders, the griefing ones, the pirates! do on each other in the game... :)
I know the 'wing' aspect of ED is very young so we can't demand too much from it, but another feature I found very handy in EvE-O and that I miss in this game is,
- when one knows the correct name of the character
-> a show info function would tell anyone if that character is a member of any corporation, like our group MOBIUS for example.

I will add You as a friend when I log in a few.

Ev Tankero

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 10:55 pm
by Dudley
Cheers Ev,
See you soon. ;)

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 12:04 am
by Gorf
Always worth accepting friend requests. When a "friend" shows up in your instance, they appear as CMDR Whatever rather than just Viper (or whatever)

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 1:20 am
by Ameena
I have occasionally noticed some friends online (I see Boozeman quite often, and erm...Danak or something, and someone else with a name like Maropharo...or...something...), but so far no-one near me. They all seem to be around Lugh, Lave, Leesti (all the Ls!) or far, far away from the inhabited regions of space.
I should probably head back to Shinrarta Dezhra at some point and try to get the best upgrades for all my stuff - I've upgraded some of it but I think I can still do better. Sometimes the "better" stuff is heavier, though, or uses more power, so I'm not sure whether I should take it. I'm not really sure what the power or the mass parts of my ship do, other than that I can presumably only run as many components as I have the power for, and that I can't make my ship too heavy because reasons.

Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:26 pm
by Flip
Another milestone to celebrate. :D


Re: PvE group growing daily

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2015 9:49 pm
by GlobusDiablo
Flip wrote:Another milestone to celebrate. :D

Welcome to all, and fly safe. :)