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The Fuel Rats just saved my ass.

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 7:17 pm
by LionOfNarnia
Was doing the milk run from Bast to Heike (for the CG) for about the 6th time, but ended up in a system (Herculis Sector GW-W B1-4) that was just one single sun. No, I didn't check before making the jump that it was an inhabited system *facepalm*.

2 rats were there in about 20 minutes, gave me enough fuel to get to Heike, and even gave me a 'fireworks display' (chaff I think) to celebrate the rescue.

Can't speak highly enough of the service I received. Absolutely A-1 and 5-star.

Re: The Fuel Rats just saved my ass.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 7:28 am
by uvelius
Great to hear! Fuel Rats rule :D

FYI if there are any Mobius Rats out there, please post you CMDRs name in the Mobius Fuel Rat thread.
I am sorry I am currently not online that often, but if I am, my Diamontback Gutter Rat is ratted up and ready to help.

Re: The Fuel Rats just saved my ass.

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:50 am
by Loriath
BIG Supporter of The Fuel Rats. They have added to the lore of the ED Universe on their own and it has been noticed by Michael Brooks and others at Frontier.

Glad to see any and all support for them.